Maricopa Community Colleges  SPA117AC   20056-99999 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 03/22/05
SPA117AC 20056-99999 LEC 1 Credit(s) 1 Period(s)
Health Care Spanish I: Advanced
Part three of basic Spanish communication for health care personnel or students. Emphasis on pronunciation and vocabulary needed in health care settings, including diet information, medical conditions and their symptoms. Prerequisites: SPA117AB or permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
SPA117AC   20056-99999 Health Care Spanish I: Advanced
1. Recite Spanish words, using standard stress patterns and intonation. (I)
2. Explain and direct patients through routine medical procedures. (II)
3. Use basic Spanish questions in medical settings and situations. (III)
4. Use Spanish vocabulary related to patient feeding, diet, and care. (IV)
5. Use Spanish vocabulary in describing types of medications and their use. (V)
6. Describe medical conditions and their symptoms in Spanish. (VI)
7. Describe similarities and differences between Hispanic and Anglo health care cultures. (VII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
SPA117AC   20056-99999 Health Care Spanish I: Advanced
    I. Spanish Pronunciation
        A. Pronunciation of Spanish Sounds
        B. Stress Patterns
        C. Intonation
      II. Commands and Directions
          A. Command Forms
          B. Directions for Routine Procedures
        III. Common Questions
            A. Medical History
            B. Diagnostic Questions
          IV. Patient Feeding and Comfort
              A. Names of Foods
              B. Special Dietary Instructions
              C. Patient Needs and Comforts
            V. Medications
                A. Common Medications
                B. Instructions
              VI. Medical Conditions
                  A. Common Illnesses and Diseases
                  B. Symptoms
                  C. Injuries and Accidents
                VII. Cultures
                    A. Beliefs about Foods
                    B. Pharmacy in Spanish-Speaking Countries
                    C. Other Differences and Similarities
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