Maricopa Community Colleges  NET183AB   20006-20086 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 07/22/08
NET183AB 20006-20086 LEC 2 Credit(s) 2 Period(s)
OS/2 Microcomputer Disk Operating System
Presentation manager, OS/2 components, start programs window and task manager window, commands, help facility, OS/2 programs installation, and system editor; batch files, redirection, applications, system installation and initialization, system configuration, and high performance file system.
Prerequisites: NET183AA or permission of Department or Division.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
NET183AB   20006-20086 OS/2 Microcomputer Disk Operating System
1. Use the Presentation Manager to invoke programs using applications which include DOS mode, non-windowable, video input/output, and fully Presentation Manager-ready application. (I)
2. Describe OS/2 components, including directories and files. (II)
3. Use the Start Programs Window to control program operation. (III)
4. Use the Task Manager Window to schedule multitask operations. (IV)
5. Evaluate criteria to run programs in DOS mode. (V)
6. Use OS/2 and DOS commands. (VI)
7. Use the OS/2 Help facility with proficiency. (VII)
8. Install programs to run in the OS/2 environment. (VIII)
9. Install DOS programs to run in the DOS mode. (IX)
10. Create OS/2 and DOS batch files, using the system editor. (X, XI)
11. Employ command operators and filters to redirect progrm output. (XII)
12. Utilize simple applications, including looping batch files and task management techniques. (XIII)
13. Use operating system commands to print data files. (XIV)
14. Explain the function of the CONFIG.SYS configuration file. (XV)
15. Describe the functional operation of OS/2 and DOS initialization modules. (XVI)
16. Evaluate system configuration criteria, using information from a reference diskette. (XVII)
17. Explain characteristics of the High Performance File System. (XVIII)
18. Install OS/2 on a hard disk. (XIX)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
NET183AB   20006-20086 OS/2 Microcomputer Disk Operating System
    I. Graphical user interface (Presentation Manager)
        A. Pointing devices
        B. Windows
          1. Components
          2. Terms
          3. Manipulation
      II. OS/2 components
          A. 3.5 inch diskettes
          B. Directories
          C. Files
        III. Start Programs Window
            A. File system and manipulation
            B. Program
            C. Group
          IV. Task Manager Window
            V. DOS mode
              VI. Commands
                  A. OS/2
                  B. DOS
                VII. Help facility
                  VIII. Installing OS/2 programs
                      A. Starting
                      B. Switching
                      C. Arranging and grouping
                    IX. Installing DOS programs
                      X. System editor
                        XI. Batch files
                            A. OS/2 ".CMD" files
                            B. DOS ".BAT" files
                          XII. Redirection
                              A. Command operators
                              B. Filters
                            XIII. Applications
                                A. Looping batch files
                                B. Task management
                              XIV. Printing
                                XV. CONFIG.SYS configuration file
                                  XVI. Initialization
                                      A. OS/2
                                        1. OS2INIT.CMD
                                        2. STARTUP.CMD
                                        3. COMMAND.EXE
                                      B. DOS
                                        1. AUTOEXEC.BAT
                                        2. COMMAND.COM
                                    XVII. System configuration
                                        A. Microchannel architecture introduction
                                        B. Reference diskette
                                      XIX. Installation
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