Maricopa Community Colleges  DFT254AA   19966-19985 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 04/23/96
DFT254AA 19966-19985 L+L 3 Credit(s) 6 Period(s)
Computer Aided Drafting II: AutoCAD
Advanced AutoCAD techniques in constructing three-dimensional objects and symbols, dimensioning and text; advanced techniques for projection, rotation, and translation of objects; advanced plotter use. Prerequisites: CAD202, or DFT252AA, or equivalent, or permission of department.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
DFT254AA   19966-19985 Computer Aided Drafting II: AutoCAD
1. Construct a three-dimensional object, using three-dimensional rotation to obtain views, sectioning the object as required, and detailing views of the object. (I)
2. Dimension all parts of an object, linearly, circularly, and angularly, using labels, leaders, and various text positioning techniques. (II)
3. Create and store symbol libraries used in mechanical, electronic, and construction drafting technology. (III)
4. Generate composite drawings, using the appropriate symbol libraries for mechanical, electronic, and construction technologies. (IV)
5. Use advanced techniques of projection, rotation, translation, and scaling to create complex three-dimensional objects. (V)
6. Use plotters to obtain drawings of different scales and compositions. (VI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
DFT254AA   19966-19985 Computer Aided Drafting II: AutoCAD
    I. Three-dimensional construction
        A. Layering
        B. Rotation
        C. Sectioning
        D. Detailing
      II. Dimensioning
          A. Linear
          B. Circular
          C. Angular
          D. Text positioning
          E. Labels
          F. Leaders
        III. Symbol creation
            A. Creating a single symbol
            B. Creating a library of symbols
          IV. Generating drawings
              A. Recalling various symbol libraries
              B. Creating mechanical, electronic, and construction drawings
            V. Advanced three-dimensional construction
                A. Projection
                B. Rotation
                C. Translation
                D. Scaling
              VI. Plotting techniques
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