Maricopa Community Colleges  LAT101   19956-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 3-28-1995

LAT101  1995 Fall – 2011 Summer II

LEC  4.0 Credit(s)  4.0 Period(s)  4.0 Load  Acad

Elementary Latin I

Introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of the Latin language. Practice reading and translating Latin into English.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


LAT101  1995 Fall – 2011 Summer II

Elementary Latin I



Translate Latin sentences into English (limited to the introduced Latin vocabulary). (I, II)


Translate English sentences into Latin (limited to the introduced Latin vocabulary) using correct conjugation, declination, etc. (I, II)


Identify Latin elements in modern Western language sentence structure. (I, II)


Identify Latin roots and spelling in modern Western language. (I, II)


Describe aspects of Roman everyday life. (II)


Describe the influence of Latin civilization on modern man, such as the importance of Roman law and architecture for our contemporary society. (II)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


LAT101  1995 Fall – 2011 Summer II

Elementary Latin I


I. Grammar

A. Verb conjugations

1. First conjugation

2. Second conjugation

3. Third conjugation

4. Fourth conjugation

5. Irregular verbs

B. Verb tenses and forms

1. Active

2. Passive

C. Cases

1. Nominative

2. Genitive

3. Dative

4. Accusative

5. Ablative: means, accompaniment, manner, time, agent, place

6. Vocative

D. Declensions of nouns and adjectives

1. First declension

2. Second declension

3. Third declension

4. Fourth declension

5. Predicate nouns and adjectives

E. Pronouns

1. Demonstrative

2. Personal

3. Reflexive

4. Possessive

5. Intensive

6. Relative

7. Interrogative

F. Word order

II. Latin Readings

A. Roman everyday life

B. Roman law

C. Roman architecture

D. Vocabulary


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