Maricopa Community Colleges  ITA201AA   19956-20086 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 07/22/08
ITA201AA 19956-20086 L+L 4 Credit(s) 5 Period(s)
Intermediate Italian I
Review of essential grammar of the Italian language and study of the Italian Culture. Continued practice and development of reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Prerequisites: ITA102 or ITA102AA or equivalent or permission of Department or Division.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
ITA201AA   19956-20086 Intermediate Italian I
1. Use all present tense verbs: regular and irregular. (I)
2. Ask and answer questions in Italian using present, past, imperfect, future, conditional, and compound tenses. (I)
3. Use present perfect, pluperfect, future perfect, and conditional perfect tenses in Italian. (I)
4. Use and contrast past/imperfect tenses in Italian. (I)
5. Use reflexive verbs in Italian. (I)
6. Form and use direct and indirect commands in Italian. (I)
7. Use present subjunctive constructions in Italian. (I)
8. Use Italian definite and indefinite articles correctly.(II)
9. Use subject, direct, indirect, and double object pronouns in Italian. (III)
10. Use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in Italian. (III,IV)
11. Identify and use descriptive and short-form possessive adjectives in Italian. (IV)
12. Use negative and indefinite word constructions in Italian. (V)
13. Pronounce Italian using correct intonation, accents, and stress. (VI)
14. Form and ask direct and indirect questions and exclamations in Italian. (VII)
15. Read about and describe the customs and culture of Italian people. (VIII)
16. Read and review major Italian writers. (VIII)
17. Read and review journalistic articles from major Italian periodicals. (VIII)
18. Write compositions in Italian. (IX)
19. Take dictation in Italian. (IX)
20. Identify and describe current events and issues dealing with Italy and Italian culture. (X)
21. Identify and describe the geography of Italy. (X)
22. Identify and describe the customs and cultural diversities of the Italian people. (X)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
ITA201AA   19956-20086 Intermediate Italian I
    I. Verbs
        A. Present Tense
          1. Regular
          2. Irregular
        B. Future Tense
        C. Conditional Tense
        D. Compound Tense
        E. Perfect Tense
        F. Imperfect and Possato/Prossimo Contrast
        G. Reflexive Verbs
        H. Direct and Indirect Commands
        I. Present Subjunctive
      II. Definite and Indefinite Articles
        III. Pronouns
            A. Subject
            B. Direct
            C. Indirect
            D. Double Object
            F. Reflexive
            G. Demonstrative
          IV. Adjectives
              A. Descriptive
              B. Short-form Possessive
              C. Demonstrative
            V. Negative and Indefinite Words
              VI. Pronunciation
                  A. Syllable Division
                  B. Stress Patterns
                  C. Accents
                VII. Interrogatives and Exclamations
                    A. Yes/no Questions
                    B. Information Questions
                    C. Indirect Questions
                    D. Exclamations
                  VIII. Reading
                      A. Culture
                      B. Literary
                      C. Journalistic
                    IX. Writing
                        A. Composition
                        B. Dictation
                      X. Italian Culture
                          A. People
                          B. Geography
                          C. Customs
                          D. Current Events
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