Maricopa Community Colleges  HIS101   19946-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 2-22-1994

HIS101  1994 Fall – 2005 Fall

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789

Survey of origin and development of Western civilization and its institutions from the Renaissance and Reformation through Age of Enlightenment.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


HIS101  1994 Fall – 2005 Fall

History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789



Employ historical method to analyze patterns of continuity and change which have shaped American and European society. (I-VII)


Describe the impact of European tradition on American society. (I-VII)


Describe the origins of European culture, capitalism, and the nation state in the Middle Ages. (I)


Critique and defend the thesis that the Renaissance was the beginning of the modern world. (II)


Explain the process by which the unity of Christianity in European society was shattered by the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. (III)


Analyze the theories that link Protestantism to the rise of capitalism. (III)


Explain the influence of the Protestant/Puritan ethic on contemporary American life. (III)


Compare and contrast the development of European nation states. (IV)


Describe the impact of English institutions and historical development on American life. (IV)


Contrast the success of French Absolutism with the failure of Stuart Absolutism. (V)


Describe the reign of Peter I and the westernization of Russia. (VI)


Describe the stages of the scientific revolution and its impact upon the thought of the Enlightenment. (VII)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


HIS101   19946-99999

History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789


I. The early Middle Ages

A. Charlemagne

B. Feudalism and manorialism

C. The Papacy and its relations with secular authority

D. The Crusades

E. Commerce and trade

F. Babylonian Captivity and the Great Schism

II. The Renaissance

A. The Renaissance in Italy

B. Erasmus and Christian Humanism

III. Reformation and Counter Reformation

A. Martin Luther and the roots of the Reformation in Germany

B. Calvinism and the risk of capitalism

C. The Counter Reformation

D. Henry VII and the establishment of the House of Tudor

E. Henry VIII and the English Reformation

IV. The Rise of Absolute Monarchy

A. Elizabeth I of England

B. Queen of Scots

C. England and Spain

D. Rise of absolute monarchy in France

V. French Absolutism

A. Development of French Absolutism

1. Cardinal Richelieu and the French monarchy

2. Mercantilism

3. Louis XIV

B. Stuart Absolutism

1. The English Civil War

2. Commonwealth and protectorate

3. The Restoration

4. The Glorious Revolution of 1688

VI. Peter I and the westernization of Russia

VII. The scientific revolution and its impact on the Enlightenment


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