Maricopa Community Colleges  GLG106   19946-19956 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/23/95
GLG106 19946-19956 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Earth Science Lecture
A study of the earth, its structure, motions, atmosphere (weather and climate), oceans, and astronomy. Special emphasis given to those physical principles shaping the scenic features of the earth's surface. May not receive credit for both GLG106 and PHS102. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
GLG106   19946-19956 Earth Science Lecture
1. Identify the basic properties and types of minerals and rocks, and describe their atomic structures. (I)
2. Characterize several soil types and describe weathering of soil. (II)
3. Explain the hydrologic cycle. (III)
4. Describe characteristics of streams and ground water. (III)
5. Describe glacial features and effects produced by the past. (IV)
6. Describe characteristics of deserts. (IV)
7. Describe earthquake waves and characteristics, and explain what earthquakes indicate about the earth's interior. (V)
8. Indicate the evidence of plate tectonics and detail the effects of continental drift. (VI)
9. Classify volcanic types and distinguish between intrusive and extrusive effects. (VII)
10. Classify mountain types. (VIII)
11. Identify geologic epochs and describe radio and fossil dating techniques. (IX)
12. Describe ocean floor characteristics and evolution. (X)
13. Describe parts of the earth's atmosphere and distinguish between heat transfer mechanisms. (XI)
14. Outline the history of astronomy from Aristotle to Newton. (XII)
15. Describe the motions of the earth. (XII)
16. Identify and characterize the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. (XIII)
17. Describe how information about celestial bodies is obtained from light. (XIII)
18. Describe the physical characteristics of the moon and sun, and their effect on the earth. (XIV)
19. Identify the planets and describe the characteristics of both planets and minor solor system members. (XV)
20. Describe the types and characteristics of star clusters, nebulae, and other stars. (XVI)
21. Describe basic stellar evolution. (XVI)
22. Classify galactic types and explain the significance of the red shift of galaxies. (XVII)
23. Characterize the several theories of cosmology: Big Bang, Steady State, and Oscillating. (XVII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
GLG106   19946-19956 Earth Science Lecture
    I. Minerals and rocks
        A. Atomic structure
        B. Mineral properties and classifications
        C. Rock properties and classifications
      II. Weathering, soils, and mass wasting
          A. Weathering
          B. Soils and soil types
          C. Mass wasting
            1. Creep
            2. Landslide
            3. Solifluction
        III. Running water and ground water
            A. Hydrologic cycle
            B. Streams: types and characteristics
            C. Ground water features
              1. Spring
              2. Caves and dripstone
              3. Geysers
          IV. Glaciers, deserts, and winds
              A. Glacier types and characteristics
              B. Erosion and deposits
              C. Glacial history
              D. Desert evolution and characteristics
              E. Wind deposits and characteristics
            V. Earthquakes and the earth's interior
                A. Earthquakes and waves
                B. Quake location, intensity, and magnitude
                C. The puzzle of the earth's interior
              VI. Plate tectonics
                  A. History
                  B. Models
                  C. Pangea and breakup
                  D. Effect and characteristics
                VII. Igneous activity
                    A. Nature of vulcanism
                    B. Volcanos and volcanic eruption
                    C. Intrusive and extrusive activity and characteristics
                  VIII. Mountain building
                      A. Uplift and deformation
                      B. Mountain types
                    IX. Geologic time and earth history
                        A. History of historical geology
                        B. Early dating methods
                        C. Modern dating methods
                        D. Fossils
                        E. Geologic time column
                      X. Oceans
                          A. Floor structure
                          B. Subsurface erosion
                          C. Shores and characteristics
                        XI. Atmosphere
                            A. Earth-sun relationships
                            B. Heat transfer
                            C. Moisture
                          XII. Astronomy history
                              A. Ancient
                              B. Middle Ages
                              C. Modern
                              D. Constellations and astrology
                              E. Motions of the earth
                            XIII. Light
                                A. Nature
                                B. Optical instruments
                                C. Information from light
                              XIV. Moon and sun
                                  A. Lunar characteristics
                                  B. Solar characteristics
                                  C. Structure and importance
                                XV. Solar system
                                    A. Planets and characteristics
                                    B. Other members
                                      1. Comets
                                      2. Asteroids
                                      3. Meteors
                                    C. Origin and evolution
                                  XVI. The galaxy
                                      A. Star clusters
                                      B. Nebulae
                                      C. History, origin, and evolution
                                      D. Other stars
                                        1. Types and characteristics
                                        2. Origin and evolution
                                        3. Pulsars and black holes
                                    XVII. Cosmology
                                        A. Galaxies: types and characteristics
                                        B. Red shift
                                        C. Origin and evolution
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