Maricopa Community Colleges  EDU221   19942-20005 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  11/23/93  
EDU221      19942-20005 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Survey of Education
Overview of education and educational institutions in our society; current issues; responsibilities and qualifications of educators. Opportunity for students to assess their interest in this area. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
EDU221   19942-20005 Survey of Education
1. Articulate arguments and reasons for and against choosing education as a career. (I, II)
2. Evaluate statistics, trends, and personal motives when considering education as a career. (I, II)
3. Describe the funding for public education in Arizona. (III)
4. Explain the current issues confronting public education. (III)
5. Identify the historic events that have shaped American education. (IV)
6. Compare and contrast American public education with that of other countries. (V)
7. Explain and evaluate the major philosophies of education. (VI)
8. Describe the experience of being a volunteer teacher aide. (VII)
9. Evaluate the experience of being a volunteer teacher aide. (VII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
EDU221   19942-20005 Survey of Education
    I. Reasons and Arguments For and Against Education as a Career Choice
        A. Necessary preparation
        B. Status in American society
        C. Personal gratifications
        D. Related careers
      II. Statistics and Trends Influencing Education
          A. Student/teacher ratios
          B. Analysis of results of national polls
          C. Enrollment
          D. Geographic areas
          E. Attitudes toward the public schools
          F. Others
        III. Exploration of Problems Confronting the Public Schools
            A. Financial public education
              1. Federal
              2. State
              3. Local
            B. Decline of academic standards and resulting public reaction
            C. Violence and vandalism in the schools
            D. Drugs as a problem
            E. Multicultural and social problems that impinge upon the schools
            F. Bilingual education
            G. Ethical dilemmas
            H. Others
          IV. Historic Background of American Education
              A. 1787-1899
                1. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
                2. The Massachusetts Compulsory Attendance Law (1852)
                3. Kindergarten movement begins in 1873
                4. John Dewey at the University of Chicago (1894)
                5. Others
              B. 1900-Present
                1. The G.I. Bill of Rights in 1944
                2. Brown vs. Topeka (1954)
                3. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965)
                4. Native American Acts (1972-75)
                5. Bilingual Education Act (1964)
                6. Public Law 94-142 (1975)
                7. Vocational Education Act (1984)
                8. Others
            V. Comparative Education in a World Context
                A. The European scene
                B. Third World countries
                C. Japanese education
                D. Others
              VI. Major Philosophies of Education
                  A. Perennialism
                  B. Essentialism
                  C. Progressivism
                  D. Social reconstructionism
                  E. Existentialism
                  F. Others
                VII. The Teacher Aide
                    A. Roles and tasks of a teacher aide
                    B. Climate of the school and the classroom
                    C. Relations with professional staff
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