Maricopa Community Colleges  GTC107   19936-19992 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  06/22/99  
GTC107      19936-19992 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Technical Mathematics I
Review of mathematical principles such as basic operations, significant digits, exponents, square roots and order of operations. All problems related to technology and solved with a calculator. Recommended for all technology students except electronics. Prerequisites: None.
Cross-References:   MET107
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
GTC107   19936-19992 Technical Mathematics I
1. Complete fundamental operations of arithmetic. (I)
2. Complete fundamental operations of signed numbers. (II)
3. Solve problems (involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) of fractions and decimal numbers. (III)
4. Calculate percentages and solve problems involving percentages. (IV)
5. Use a hand-held calculator to solve problems involving arithmetic, squares, square roots, reciprocals, percentages and exponents. (V)
6. Identify all English and metric units of measurements and calculate conversions from one system to the other. (IV)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
GTC107   19936-99999 Technical Mathematics I
    I. Fundamental Operation with Whole Numbers
        A. Addition
        B. Subtraction
        C. Multiplication
        D. Division
      II. Fundamental Operation with Signed Numbers
          A. The number line
          B. Addition
          C. Subtraction ion
          D. Multiplication
          E. Division
        III. Fundamental Operations with Fractions
            A. Addition
            B. Subtraction
            C. Multiplication
            D. Division
            E. Decimal fractions
            F. Rounding decimal fractions
            G. Order of operation
          IV. Ratio, Proportion, and Percent
              A. Ratio
              B. Relationship between two ratios
              C. Converting decimals and fractions to percentages
              D. Converting percentages to decimals
              E. Application of percentages
            V. Using a Hand-Held Calculator
                A. Arithmetic operations
                B. Squares
                C. Square roots
                D. Reciprocals
                E. Percentages
                F. Powers of a numbered base
                G. Scientific notation
                H. Estimation
              VI. Systems of Measurement
                  A. English units of measurement
                  B. Metric units of measurement
                  C. Conversions
                  D. Significant digits
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