Maricopa Community Colleges  JPN102   19886-19945 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 12/08/87
JPN102 19886-19945 L+L 5 Credit(s) 6 Period(s)
Elementary Japanese II
Continued study of basic grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary of the Japanese language. Emphasis on Kanji. Practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Also includes study of Japanese culture. Prerequisites: JPN101 or departmental approval.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
JPN102   19886-19945 Elementary Japanese II
1. Identify and use modifiers in the Japanese language. (I)
2. Identify and use situational verbs in the Japanese language, to include experience, permission, prohibition, provision, and quotation. (II)
3. Identify and use negative form verbs in the Japanese language, to include "Have to" and "Must". (II)
4. Identify and use linking verbs in the Japanese language, to include "Become", "Make", and "Hear Say". (II)
5. Identify and use polite extender verbs in the Japanese language. (II)
6. Identify and use TE Form verbs in the Japanese language, to include giving and receiving verbs. (II)
7. Identify and use spoken style Japanese, to include NO DESU and N DESU. (II)
8. Identify and use prepositions in the Japanese language, to include clause relationals and location. (III)
9. Identify and use adjective comparisons in the Japanese language. (IV)
10. Demonstrate the use of Japanese vocabulary and expressions in a variety of situations. (V)
11. Select and use appropriate Chinese characters needed to read and write the Japanese language. (VI)
12. Identify and describe the basic aspects of Japanese culture. (VII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
JPN102   19886-19945 Elementary Japanese II
    I. Modifiers
        A. Sentence Modifier I
          1. Plain affirmative + noun
          2. Plain negative + noun
          3. Plain verbs + relational NO
        B. Sentence Modifier II
          1. Plain past affirmative + noun
          2. Plain past negative + noun
          3. Plain past verbs + relational NO
        C. Comparison and Sentence Modifier
        D. Predicate Modifiers for Time Sequence
          1. Plain + MAE NI + sentence
          2. Plain + AIDA NI + sentence
          3. TE Form + KARA + sentence
          4. MASU Stem + NAGARA + sentence
      II. Verbs
          A. Experience
            1. Plain past + KOTO GA ARIMASU
            2. Additional experience verbs
          B. Permission
            1. TE Form + MO II DESU
            2. TE Form + KAMAI MASEN
            3. Noun + DEMO II DESU
          C. Prohibition
            1. TE Form + IKEMASEN
            2. Negative TE Form (NAIDE) + KUDASA I
          D. Become - NARIMASU
          E. Make - SHIMASU
          F. Have to - Must
            1. BA Form + plain negative verb + NARIMASEN
            2. BA Form + plain negative adjective + NARIMASEN
            3. BA Form + plain negative copula + NARIMASEN
          G. Provisional
            1. BA Form of verb
            2. BA Form of adjective
            3. Copula + NARA
          H. Quotation
            1. Direct - Formal + TO OMOIMASU
            2. Indirect - Plain + TO OMINMASU
          I. Hear Say
            1. Indicates speaker's judgment
            2. Plain + RASH II
            3. Plain + SOO DESU
          J. Polite Extender - IRRASHARU
          K. Spoken Style Japanese
            1. NO DESU
            2. N DESU
          L. TE Form
            1. Sequential action
            2. Parallel action
            3. Causal relationship
          M. TE Form + Giving and Receiving Verbs
            1. Give service to:
              a. Superior
              b. Level
              c. Inferior
            2. Receive service from:
              a. Superior
              b. Level
              c. Inferior
            3. Given service by:
              a. Superior
              b. Level
              c. Inferior
          N. Compound Verbs
            1. MASU Stem + HAJIMERU
            2. MASU Stem + OWARU
            3. MASU Stem + NIKUI
            4. MASU Stem + YASUI
            5. Adjective Stem + SUGIRU
            6. TE Form + SHIMAU
            7. TE Form + OKU
        III. Prepositions
            A. Clause Relationals
              1. NONI
              2. NODE
            B. Location - NO + Location + Relational
              1. NAKA
              2. SOTO
              3. MAE
              4. USHIRO
              5. UE
              6. SHITA
              7. SOBA
          IV. Adjective Comparisons
              A. More - (A) WA (B) YORI + adjective + DESU
              B. More - (A) NO HOO GA + adjective + DESU
              C. Less - (A) WA (B) HODO + negative adjective
              D. Most - (A) TO (B) TO (C) DE (A) GA ICHIBAN + adjective
            V. Vocabulary and Expression
              VI. Chinese Characters
                VII. Basic Aspects of Japanese Culture
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