Maricopa Community Colleges  DHE202   19886-19935 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 04/09/85
DHE202 19886-19935 LAB 1 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Dental Materials Laboratory
Manipulate and place permanent and temporary restorative material. Manipulate impression materials, dental waxes, cements, bases and liners. Fabricate mouth protectors, pour and finish study models. Laboratory proficiency in auxiliary duties of polishing and margination of permanent restorative materials, placement of sealants prior to clinical application. Placement and removal of periodontal dressings. Prerequisites or Corequisites: DAE/DHE201, Admission to the Dental Assisting or Dental Hygiene Program, or permission of instructor.
Cross-References: DAE202