Maricopa Community Colleges  GLG105   19982-99999

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 11-25-1997

GLG105  2012 Summer I – 2012 Fall

L+L  4.0 Credit(s)  6.0 Period(s)  5.4 Load  Acad

Introduction to Planetary Science

A survey of solar system objects and their geologic evolution, surfaces, interiors, and atmospheres, and the methods used to study them; weekly laboratory for data analysis and experiments; possible weekend field trip.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


GLG105  2012 Summer I – 2012 Fall

Introduction to Planetary Science



Describe the application of the scientific method and other critical thinking models to planetary objects and their exploration, as well as current technological limitations on space exploration. (I-XI)


Describe the past, present, and future ideas and approaches in solar system exploration. (I, II)


Describe the use of planetary data, remote sensing, and image processing in geologic exploration of the solar system. (II)


Analyze data returned from spacecraft and apply the results to the analysis of planets, satellites, and asteroids. (II-XI)


Compare and contrast the chemical composition and physical processes of the major solar system bodies with the earth. (II-XI)


Describe the compositional evolution of the planets with increasing distance from the sun. (II-XI)


Describe impact cratering, tectonic processes, volcanic processes and gradation of the major solar system bodies. (III)


Describe the physiography and tectonic features of the moon. (IV)


Analyze lunar samples for geological information about the moon and the solar system. (IV)


Describe the physiography and morphology of Mercury. (V)


Describe the physiography and tectonic features of Venus. (VI)


Describe the physiography and tectonic features of Mars. (VII)


Describe the appearance and significance of asteroids. (VIII)


Analyze geologic data from the Jupiter system. (VIII)


Describe the geologic processes of Saturn and the geomorphology of its satellites. (IX)


Describe the geologic processes of Uranus and its satellites. (X)


Describe the geology of Neptune and its satellites. (XI)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


GLG105  2012 Summer I – 2012 Fall

Introduction to Planetary Science


I. Introduction

A. Objects in the solar system

B. The geologic approach

C. Relevance of geomorphology

D. Sources of data

II. Geologic exploration of the solar system

A. General planetary characteristics

B. Pre-space-age planetology studies

C. Lunar and planetary missions

D. Planetary images

E. Digital image processing

F. Planetary cartography

III. Planetary morphologic processes

A. Impact cratering

B. Tectonic processes

C. Volcanic processes

D. Gradation

IV. The moon

A. General physiography

B. Tectonic features

C. Craters

D. Degradational features

E. History of the moon

V. Mercury

A. Physiography

B. Craters and basins

C. Scarps and ridges

D. The Caloris basin

E. Volcanism

F. Geologic history

VI. Venus

A. Radar data for Venus

B. Physiography

C. Craters

D. Tectonic features

E. Volcanic features

F. Surface modifications

G. Geologic history

VII. Mars

A. Phobos and Deimos

B. Physiography

C. Craters

D. Volcanism

E. Tectonism

F. Gradation

G. Geologic history

H. Mars Global Surveyor Mission

I. Other future planned missions

VIII. Asteroids

A. Classification and composition

B. Surface features

C. The NEAR mission

D. Asteroid impacts on the earth

IX. The Jupiter system

A. Jupiter the planet

B. Io

C. Europa

D. Ganymede

E. Callisto

F. The Galileo mission

X. The Saturn system

A. Saturn the planet

B. Geomorphology of the satellites

C. Geologic processes

D. The Cassini mission

XI. The Uranus system

A. Uranus the planet

B. Rings

C. Satellites

D. Geologic processes

XII. The Neptune system and beyond

A. Neptune the planet

B. Rings

C. Satellites

D. Triton

E. Pluto and Charon

F. Finding new planets (TOPS)


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