Maricopa Community Colleges  GCU121   19956-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-23-1995

GCU121  2011 Fall – 2013 Spring

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

World Geography I: Eastern Hemisphere

Description and analysis of areal variations in social, economic, and political phenomena in major world regions. Emphasis on Europe, Russia, North Africa, and the Asian world.

Prerequisites: None.


Course Attribute(s):

General Education Designation: Global Awareness - [G]

General Education Designation: Social and Behavioral Sciences - [SB]

Arizona Shared Unique Number GEO 1121

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


GCU121  2011 Fall – 2013 Spring

World Geography I: Eastern Hemisphere



Describe the distribution of land and water and explain how much of the earth is habitable. (I)


Describe world population distribution and identify and explain population growth problems facing the earth. (I)


Locate the world's key mineral, energy, agricultural and manufacturing regions. (I)


Identify the countries of the region and describe their importance. (II)


Identify the major water features and describe the major land forms of Eurasia and North Africa. (III)


Describe plate tectonics and apply the theory to the geology of Eurasia and North Africa. (III)


Identify the geologic hazards found in the region. (III)


Identify, locate, and describe the climatic regions of Eurasia and North Africa. (III)


Describe the vegetation, soils, and agricultural zones of the region. (III)


Describe the illegal trafficking in wildlife found in Eurasia and North Africa and explain its impact on the economy of the region. (III)


Identify the locations and describe the abundance of mineral deposits in Eurasia and North Africa. (III)


Describe population density and growth rates of Eurasia and North Africa and name the large cities of the region. (IV)


List the major racial groups of the region and identify and locate the major language and religious groups found in Eurasia and North Africa. (IV)


Describe the occupational structure, the educational standards and methods, and the standard of living of the various areas of Eurasia and North Africa. (IV)


Identify and describe the type, location, technology and problems of industries in Eurasia and North Africa. (IV)


Describe the agricultural industry of Eurasia and North Africa including types and location of crops and agricultural shortages and surpluses. (IV)


Locate major fishing zones of the region. (IV)


Identify and describe the major transportation systems of Eurasia and North Africa.(IV)


Identify the types of goods traded and describe the trade balance of Eurasia and North Africa. (IV)


Identify and describe the various governmental systems of the region. (IV)


Indicate the health standards and social services of Eurasia and North Africa. (IV)


Describe significant current events in Eurasia and North Africa. (IV)


Describe the major models used by cultural geographers. (IV)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


GCU121  2011 Fall – 2013 Spring

World Geography I: Eastern Hemisphere


I. Introduction to the World

A. Distribution of Land and Water

1. Area covered by Water

2. Land Regions

B. Population Distribution and Growth

1. Past

2. Present

3. Future

C. Distribution of World's Resources and Industry

1. Agricultural Resources

2. Mineral and Energy Resources

3. Manufacturing and Trade

II. Importance of Europe, Russia, North Africa, South and Southwestern Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia

III. Physical Geography

A. Location

B. Size and Shape

C. Water Bodies

D. Landforms

1. Plate Tectonics

2. Geologic Hazards

E. Weather and Climate

F. Types and Locations of Vegetation

G. Soils and Agricultural Regions

H. Wildlife

1. Illegal Trafficking

2. Economic Impact

I. Minerals

1. Locations

2. Abundance

IV. Cultural Geography

A. Population

1. Density

2. Growth Rates

3. Major Cities

B. Racial Groups

C. Language Groups

D. Religious Groups

E. Living Conditions

1. Standards of Living

2. Educational Standards and Methods

3. Occupational Structure

F. Industries

1. Type

2. Location

3. Technology

4. Problems

G. Agriculture

1. Types of Crops

2. Location of Crops

3. Shortages

4. Surpluses

H. Fishing Zones

I. Transportation

1. Rail

2. Highway

3. Water

4. Air

5. Pipeline

J. Trade

K. Government al Systems

L. Health Standards and Social Services

M. Current Events

N. Models

1. Demographic Transition

2. Core-Periphery

3. Spatial Interaction


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