Maricopa Community Colleges  EED278   20056-20075 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/28/05
EED278 20056-20075 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Early Learning: Curriculum and Instruction
Considerations and evaluations of curriculum appropriate to the developmental characteristics of learners, birth through five years. Includes how early childhood standards, philosophies, and program settings relate to the teaching, learning, and assessment process. Includes field experience.
Prerequisites: EED200.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
EED278   20056-20075 Early Learning: Curriculum and Instruction
1. Identify the principles of how young children learn. (I)
2. Describe developmental characteristics of young learners between birth and age five. (II)
3. Contrast current approaches to curriculum in early childhood settings. (III)
4. Demonstrate multiple pedagogical procedures for the same curriculum content. (III)
5. Explain incidental and planned learning opportunities inherent in a variety of early childhood daily routines. (IV)
6. Explain how curriculum emerges, expands and is sequential over time. (IV)
7. Use Arizona Early Childhood Standards to explain the components of early learning and special needs curriculum. (V)
8. Contrast how curricular content and instruction is organized in educational settings serving children aged birth to eight. (VI)
9. Identify multiple assessment procedures and their relationship to early learning standards. (VII)
10. Describe the limitations and strengths of language within the early learning assessment. (VII)
11. Identify individual differences and family values that may influence early learning curriculum. (VIII)
12. Identify organizational and community expectations that may influence early learning curriculum. (VIII)
13. Test elements of curriculum with young children. (IX)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
EED278   20056-20075 Early Learning: Curriculum and Instruction
    I. Learning Principles
        A. Piaget
        B. Skinner
        C. Vygotsky
        D. Other theorists
      II. Developmental Characteristics of Young Learners
          A. Infants
          B. Toddlers
          C. Young Preschoolers
          D. Older Preschoolers
        III. Early Childhood Curriculum Approaches
            A. Developmental
              1. Infants and Toddlers
              2. Young Preschoolers
              3. Older Preschoolers
            B. Pedagogies
              1. Language Based
              2. Sensory/Motor
              3. Technology Based
              4. Play Based
              5. Social Interaction
            A. Adult to Child
            B. Child to Adult
            C. Child to Child
            D. Indirect Community Expectations
          IV. Learning Opportunities
              A. Incidental
              B. Child Initiated
              C. Planned
                1. Adult Initiated
                2. Commercial Products
              D. Sequencing
            V. Arizona Early Childhood Standards
              VI. Curricular Content and Instruction
                  A. By Age
                    1. Infant and Toddler
                    2. Young Preschoolers
                    3. Older Preschoolers
                    4. Kindergarten Through Third Grade
                  B. By Content
                    1. Math
                    2. Science
                    3. Art
                    4. Music
                    5. Literacy and Language Arts
                    6. Social Studies
                VII. Assessment
                    A. Definition
                    B. Informal
                    C. Documentation
                    D. Standardized Methods
                    E. Limitations
                    F. Accountability
                    G. Ethics and Confidentiality
                  VIII. Factors Affecting Curriculum
                      A. Individual Differences
                      B. Family Values
                      C. Organizational Expectations
                      D. Community Expectations
                    IX. Field Experience
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