Maricopa Community Colleges  IPP221   20046-20065 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 04/27/04
IPP221 20046-20065 L+L 3 Credit(s) 4 Period(s)
Interactive Interpreting II
Continued development of interactive interpreting skills from English to American Sign Language (ASL) and from ASL to English. Perform source language analysis, apply cognitive processing techniques, and produce target language equivalents. Analysis of texts and contexts of naturally occurring dialogues, practice of skills, techniques for self and peer evaluations, and application of theoretical models. Prerequisites: IPP220 or permission of department/division.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
IPP221   20046-20065 Interactive Interpreting II
1. Prepare for one-to-one and group interactive interpreting scenarios in a variety of settings. (I)
2. Analyze speaker and audience cultural and linguistic characteristics. (I, II, IV, V)
3. Review specialized terminology for a variety of interactive settings. (I, II, IV)
4. Analyze source language messages for meaning and intent. (II)
5. Apply cognitive processing techniques and interpreting theory. (II–VI)
6. Apply short-term memory skills during consecutive interpretation of dialogues and group discussions. (III-V)
7. Produce equivalent target language messages that are grammatically and culturally appropriate. (IV, V)
8. Monitor client responses/feedback for comprehension of interpretation. (V)
9. Incorporate self-monitoring techniques. (V)
10. Analyze personal and peer interpretations. (VI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
IPP221   20046-20065 Interactive Interpreting II
    I. Preparation Techniques
        A. Situational analysis
          1. Subject
          2. Audience
          3. Context
          4. Other
        B. Client(s) assessment
          1. Language use
          2. Cultural identification
          3. Sociological factors
          4. Personal characteristics
          5. Other
        C. Specialized terminology for various settings
          1. Medical settings
          2. Business meetings
          3. Board meetings
          4. 12-step group meetings
          5. Psychiatric settings
          6. Deaf–lead meetings
          7. Other
      II. Analyze Source Language Messages
          A. Types/functions/goals of discourse
          B. Register
          C. Context
          D. Intent
          E. Spirit
          F. Style/delivery
          G. Speaker characteristics
          H. Meaning
          I. Audience characteristics
          J. Linguistic aspects
          K. Cultural aspects
          L. Other
        III. Transfer
            A. Representation
              1. Visualization
              2. Mind-mapping
              3. Chunking
              4. Paraphrasing
            B. Closure
              1. Predictive
              2. Reconstructive
          IV. Target Message Equivalence/Expression
              A. Types/functions/goals of discourse
              B. Register
              C. Context
              D. Intent
              E. Spirit
              F. Style/delivery
              G. Speaker characteristics
              H. Meaning
              I. Audience characteristics
              J. Linguistic aspects
              K. Cultural aspects
              L. Other
            V. Self-Monitoring Techniques
                A. Error-management
                  1. Clarification
                  2. Correction
                B. Decision-making
                  1. Strategies
                  2. Role
                  3. Incorporating client feedback
                  4. Turn-taking strategies
              VI. Product Analysis
                  A. Self
                  B. Peer
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