Maricopa Community Colleges  EMT104   20046-20055 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/22/04
EMT104 20046-20055 L+L 8 Credit(s) 9.45 Period(s)
Basic Emergency Medical Technology
Techniques of emergency medical care in accordance with national and state curriculum. Study of the human body, patient assessment, treatment of medically or traumatically compromised patients, special hazards, and medical operations. IV monitoring, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), patient-assisted medication administration, automated external defibrillators, and blood-glucose monitoring. Includes participation in two eight-hour clinical rotations through a local emergency department scheduled during the semester outside normal class hours. Requires personal pocket mask, stethoscope, pen light, and trauma scissors. Prerequisites: Must be at least 18 years of age prior to applying to the BLS (Basic Life Support) Training Program per Arizona Revised Statutes, and must have a current Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation certification from the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or other equivalent organization at the Healthcare Provider Level, meeting the new Guidelines 2002. Minimum ninth grade level rea
Cross-References: FSC104
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
EMT104   20046-20055 Basic Emergency Medical Technology
1. Describe the role and scope of duties and practice of the Basic Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). (I)
2. Identify the techniques for assessing scene safety and body substance isolation (BSI). (I)
3. Describe the medical/legal/ethical aspects of Basic Emergency Medical Technology. (II)
4. Apply techniques to evaluate an unconscious victim. (III)
5. Perform the techniques of initial assessment, SAMPLE(copyright) (Signs and symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past pertinent history, Last oral intake; Events leading up to the present illness, including trauma) history, focused history, rapid trauma and medical assessment, focused and detailed physical examination, vital signs, and ongoing assessment. (III)
6. Identify and care for a patient in need of basic life support (BLS). (IV)
7. Use mechanical aids for breathing and circulation. (V)
8. Administer oxygen to a patient suffering from respiratory compromise. (VI)
9. Identify and treat a patient in shock. (VII)
10. Identify and treat soft tissue injuries. (VIII)
11. Identify and treat injuries to the head, chest, abdomen, and genitalia. (IX)
12. Stabilize and splint muscular skeletal injuries in extremities. (X)
13. Summarize and submit a written report about the patient care observed in a designated clinical facility or vehicular assignment. (X)
14. Identify and treat a patient with injuries to the head, brain, neck, and spine; acute abdominal disorders; a toxiological emergency or communicable disease; a pediatric emergency; a behavioral emergency; an environmental emergency; an emergency related to diabetes; a respiratory emergency; and gynecologic or obstetrical emergencies. (XI-XIX)
15. Apply techniques used in lifting, moving, or positioning a patient to minimize discomfort and additional injury. (XX)
16. Apply techniques to extricate a victim from a vehicle. (XXI)
17. Identify and use equipment assigned to an ambulance/rescue vehicle. (XXII)
18. Triage and categorize patient care by priorities in a simulated situation. (XXIII)
19. Respond to a simulated disaster scene and identify management procedures to follow. (XXIV)
20. Apply techniques of assessment for a patient with intravenous (IV) fluids. (XXV)
21. Identify and treat infiltration during IV infusions. (XXV)
22. Complete final written and practical skills evaluations. (XXVI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
EMT104   20046-20055 Basic Emergency Medical Technology
    I. Role and Scope of EMT Duties
        A. Duties of the Emergency Medical Technician
          1. Scene safety survey
          2. BSI
        B. Role of the EMT Related to the Ambulance
          1. Positioning the patient
          2. Safety techniques during transport
          3. Equipment
        C. Initial triage of patients
      II. Medical-Legal Problems
          A. The standard of care
          B. Duty to act
          C. Consent
          D. Good Samaritan Law
          E. Immunities
          F. Abandonment
          G. Legal implications in special patient situations
          H. Ethics
        III. Patient Assessment Techniques
            A. Types of emergencies
            B. Initial assessment
            C. SAMPLE(copyright) history
            D. Focused history
            E. Rapid trauma assessment
            F. Rapid medical assessment
            G. Focused physical exam
            H. Detailed physical exam
            I. Baseline vital signs
            J. Ongoing assessment
          IV. Basic Life Support
              A. Respiratory system
                1. Respiratory failure
                2. Pulmonary resuscitation
              B. The heart
              C. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
                1. One-rescuer CPR
                2. CPR techniques for infants and children
                3. Two-rescuer CPR
                4. Special considerations during transfer of patients
            V. Mechanical Aids to Breathing and Circulation
                A. Airways
                B. Suction devices
                C. Ventilation assist devices
              VI. Oxygen Therapy
                  A. Importance of supplemental oxygen
                  B. Hypoxia
                  C. Disadvantages of oxygen therapy
                  D. Equipment and supplies
                  E. Administering oxygen to breathing patient
                  F. Administering oxygen to non-breathing patient
                VII. Shock
                    A. Defining shock
                    B. Types of shock
                    C. Symptoms and signs of shock
                    D. Preventing and treating shock
                      1. Anaphylactic shock
                      2. Syncope and near syncopal episodes
                  VIII. Soft Tissue Injuries
                      A. Types
                      B. Soft tissue wound care
                      C. Closed and open wounds
                      D. Emergency care for open wounds
                      E. Bleeding
                        1. External bleeding
                          a. Evaluating
                          b. Controlling
                        2. Internal bleeding
                          a. Significance
                          b. Detecting
                          c. Evaluating
                          d. Controlling
                    IX. Injuries to the Head, Chest, Abdomen, and Genitalia
                        A. The scalp and face
                          1. Eye
                          2. Ears
                          3. Nose
                          4. Mouth
                        B. Soft tissues of the neck
                        C. Chest
                        D. Abdomen
                        E. Pelvis and groin
                      X. Injuries to Extremities
                          A. Management of Breaks and Deformities in the Extremities
                            1. Assessment and emergency stabilization
                            2. HARE(copyright) traction immobilization device (inventor's last name)
                            3. Long bone bandaging and splinting
                          B. Spinal Immobilization
                            1. Kendrick's Extrication Device (KED (copyright))
                            2. Long board spinal immobilization
                            3. Pillow and air splints
                          C. Observation and Written Report
                        XI. Injuries to the Head, Brain, Neck, and Spine
                            A. Head and brain injuries
                              1. Soft tissue injuries
                                a. Face
                                b. Scalp
                              2. Fractures
                              3. Signs and symptoms of intracranial bleeding
                            B. Neck and spine injuries
                              1. Axial skeleton
                              2. Management of injuries
                                a. Head
                                b. Spine
                                c. Chest
                          XII. Acute Abdominal Disorders
                              A. Signs and symptoms
                              B. Emergency care
                            XIII. Pediatric Emergencies
                                A. Pediatrics growth and development
                                B. Techniques of assessment and communication
                                C. Injuries common to children
                                D. The battered child syndrome
                                E. Medical problems common to children
                                F. Medical legal issues and consent
                              XIV. Behavioral Emergencies
                                  A. Psychiatric emergencies
                                  B. Aggressive behavior
                                  C. Attempted suicide
                                XV. Environmental Emergencies
                                    A. Burns
                                    B. Excessive heat
                                    C. Excessive cold
                                    D. Injuries due to electricity
                                    E. Hazardous materials
                                    F. Explosions
                                  XVI. Poisons, Use/Abuse of Illicit Drugs, and Communicable Diseases
                                      A. Poisons
                                        1. Types
                                        2. Poison control centers
                                        3. Emergency care for poisoning
                                      B. Snakebite
                                      C. Alcohol and drug abuse
                                      D. Communicable diseases
                                    XVII. Diabetic States
                                        A. Diabetic coma and insulin shock
                                        B. Blood glucose monitoring
                                        C. Care of the patient with a diabetic emergency
                                      XVIII. Respiratory Emergencies
                                          A. Types
                                            1. Acute
                                            2. Chronic
                                          B. Assessment and treatment
                                            1. Acute respiratory emergencies
                                            2. Chronic respiratory emergencies
                                        XIX. Gynecologic and Obstetrical Emergencies
                                            A. Pregnancy and bodily changes
                                            B. Assessment and treatment of pregnant patients
                                            C. Imminent delivery
                                            D. Complicated delivery
                                            E. Abnormal, pre-, and post-delivery emergencies
                                            F. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
                                              1. Types
                                                a. Viruses, parasites, and bacteria
                                                b. Genital warts
                                                c. Chlamydia
                                                d. HIV
                                                e. Other
                                              2. Methods of transmission
                                              3. Symptoms
                                              4. Treatments
                                              5. Protection
                                          XX. Patient Lifting, Moving, and Positioning
                                              A. Basic principles
                                              B. Transferring patients
                                              C. Kendrick Extrication Device (KED(copyright))
                                              D. Long spine boards
                                            XXI. Vehicle Extrication of Trapped Victims
                                                A. Through the vehicle body
                                                B. Through vehicle doors
                                                C. Through vehicle windows
                                              XXII. Ambulance/Rescue Vehicle Equipment
                                                  A. The ambulance/rescue vehicle itself
                                                  B. Basic equipment and supplies
                                                  C. Safety and protection for self, crew, and patient
                                                XXIII. Triage Management
                                                    A. Identification procedures
                                                    B. Triage and patient assessment
                                                  XXIV. Disaster Management
                                                      A. Phases of a disaster
                                                      B. People's reactions
                                                      C. Impact on EMT personnel
                                                      D. Disaster scene operations
                                                    XXV. IV Fluid Therapy
                                                        A. Assessment of patient
                                                        B. Components
                                                        C. Transportation
                                                          1. Allowed by the EMT-Basic
                                                          2. Not allowed by the EMT-Basic
                                                        D. Infiltration
                                                          1. Signs and symptoms
                                                          2. Immediate actions
                                                      XXVI. Evaluations
                                                          A. Final written
                                                          B. Practical skills
                                                            1. Administration of oxygen
                                                            2. Mouth-to-mask ventilation with supplemental oxygen
                                                            3. Upper airway adjuncts and suction
                                                            4. Bleeding control/shock management
                                                            5. Joint injury
                                                            6. Long bone injury
                                                            7. Traction splinting
                                                            8. Spinal immobilization: seated
                                                            9. Spinal immobilization: supine
                                                            10. Patient assessment: trauma
                                                            11. Patient assessment: medical
                                                            12. Cardiac arrest management/automatic external defibrillator (AED)
                                                            13. Bag-valve mask: apneic patient
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