Maricopa Community Colleges  HIS108   20036-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 3-25-2003

HIS108  2003 Fall – 2009 Fall

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

United States History 1945 to the Present

Survey of American history from 1945 to the present. Focuses on the political, social, economic and cultural history of the United States from the end of World War II to the present time. Includes domestic developments and foreign policy.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


HIS108  2003 Fall – 2009 Fall

United States History 1945 to the Present



Describe the global situation at the close of World War II as the Grand Alliance failed. (I)


Describe the beginnings of the Cold War between East and West. (II)


Explain economic, social and political characteristics of Post-War United States. (II)


Identify and explain important global and political challenges in the 1950s and 1960s. (III, IV)


Define and compare social aspects of the quiescent 1950s and tumultuous 1960s. (III, IV)


Trace the evolution of the Civil Rights, Women's, and Minority Rights movements. (IV)


Explain foreign policy gains and domestic problems of the 1970s. (V)


Describe political changes in the 1980s at home and abroad. (VI)


Explain the changing role of the United States in the world following the end of the Cold War. (VI)


Describe and explain the United States responses in the 21st century to globalization and the rise of terrorism. (VII)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


HIS108  2003 Fall – 2009 Fall

United States History 1945 to the Present


I. Introduction

II. The Crucible of War

A. America at war

B. Transition to peace

C. The Cold War begins

D. Truman's politics and policies

E. The Korean War and McCarthyism

III. The American People at Mid-Century

A. "I Like Ike"

B. Politics of consensus

C. The Cold War abroad

D. Fifties' thought and culture

E. Social and economic trends

IV. New Frontiers

A. The Kennedy style

B. The Cold War close to home

C. Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society

D. Civil rights in the 1960s

E. Youthful counter culture

V. The Crisis of Authority

A. Vietnam

B. Nixon and Watergate

C. Social aspects and economic policies

D. Ford and Carter

VI. The Reagan Counter-Revolution

A. Conservatism resurgent

B. New leadership in the Soviet Union

C. Thawing the Cold War

D. Race and civil rights

VII. The Post Cold War World

A. The Democrats return

B. A nation of immigrants

C. The Information Superhighway

D. Globalization

E. Terrorism at home


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