Maricopa Community Colleges  EDU250   20026-20055 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/25/02

EDU250  20026-20055


3 Credit(s)

3 Period(s)

Overview of the Community Colleges

The history, functions, organization and current issues in the community/junior college with emphasis on the Arizona community colleges. Prerequisites: None.


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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:



EDU250   20026-20055

Overview of the Community Colleges



Explain the social and educational forces that contributed to the development, structure and growth of the community college in America and specifically Arizona. (I)


State the philosophy, mission and purpose of the Arizona Community College System. (I)


Describe the governance and organizational structure of Arizona's community colleges. (I)


Describe the current and projected issues facing community colleges, including their impact on curriculum, student services and classroom instruction. (I)


Describe the financing of Arizona Community Colleges. (I)


Describe the characteristics of community college students, including special populations. (I)


Explain the functions of various student services available to community college students in MCCCD. (I)


Describe the responsibilities of a community college instructor. (I)


Describe various "learning styles" and indicate ways in which appropriate teaching methods might facilitate learning according to a student's preferred style. (II)


Describe the principles and concepts of current approached to instruction, such as Activated Learning, Collaborative Learning, Classroom Research, and TQM (Total Quality Management). (II)


Prepare materials and a topic outline for a class meeting. (II)


Develop test questions to assess different levels of understanding. (II)


Describe techniques, other than testing, for assessing student achievement. (II)


Provide an overview of the curriculum process. (II)



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MCCCD Official Course Outline:



EDU250   20026-20055

Overview of the Community Colleges



I. The Community College: Environment, Students and Faculty

A. In America

1. History of the Community College Movement

2. Mission of the Community College

3. Growth of the Community College

4. Current and Projected Issues

B. Community Colleges in Arizona

1. History

2. Growth of Community Colleges in Arizona

3. Governance

4. Current and Projected Issues

5. Organizational Structure

6. Financing

C. The Maricopa Community College District

1. History

2. Mission

3. Growth

4. Governance

5. Finances

D. Community College Students

1. Demographics

2. Special Populations

3. Services For Community College Students

E. Community College Faculty

1. Demographics

2. Characteristics of Effective Instructors

3. Roles and Responsibilities of Faculty

II. Community College Instruction

A. Learning in Higher Education

1. Characteristics of Adult Learners

2. Learning Styles

3. Bloom's Taxonomy

4. General Guidelines for Facilitating Learning

5. Instructional Delivery Methods

6. Instructional Approaches

B. Planning for Instruction

1. Course Goals and Competencies

2. Course Planning

3. Lesson Planning

C. Classroom Teaching Techniques

1. Questioning and Group Discussion Techniques

2. Effective Use of Videos, Handouts, Textbooks, Overheads and the Board

3. Copyright Laws

D. Assessing Learning

1. Test Construction

2. Alternative to Testing

E. Curriculum Process

1. College

2. District

3. Articulation


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