Maricopa Community Colleges  JRN234   20016-20022 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/22/01
JRN234 20016-20022 L+L 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Feature Writing
Emphasis on crafting stylized stories for publications. Includes research, interviewing, writing techniques, editing and professional concerns. Prerequisites: JRN201.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
JRN234   20016-20022 Feature Writing
1. Contrast and compare news writing and feature writing. (I)
2. Define, label and analyze how leads, body, conclusions and transitional movements in feature articles work together for fluency. (II)
3. Write examples of at least five (5) types of leads to match the information appropriately. (III)
4. Identify and analyze some ethical situations reporters face and apply solutions. (IV)
5. Define libel and privacy situations and identify issues as they pertain to reporting. (IV)
6. Describe the services and benefits of membership in a professional organization. (IV)
7. Write four (4) marketable, 2000 word feature stories, using library computer research materials and personal interviews. (V, VI, VII)
8. Identify various types of feature writing. (VII)
9. Edit articles written by peers, using standard copyediting marks. (VIII)
10. Rewrite and edit feature articles written by one's self. (VIII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
JRN234   20016-20022 Feature Writing
    I. Introduction to Feature Writing
        A. What is news writing
        B. What is feature writing
        C. Style
          1. Inverted pyramid
          2. Chronological
          3. Delayed suspense
          4. Hourglass
      II. Structure Techniques of Feature Stories
          A. The lead
          B. The body
          C. The conclusion
          D. Transitions
        III. Leads
            A. Summary
            B. Descriptive
            C. Quotation
            D. Anecdotal
            E. Contrast
            F. Other types
          IV. Professionalism
              A. Ethics of the professional writer
              B. Legal concerns
                1. Libel
                2. Privacy
              C. Professional organizations
            V. Research
                A. Interviewing techniques
                B. Library materials
                C. Computer
              VI. Writing the Story
                  A. Audience
                  B. Market
                VII. Types of Feature Writing
                    A. Brites
                    B. Side bars
                    C. Personality profiles
                    D. Seasonals
                    E. Human interest
                    F. In-depth stories
                    G. Historical
                    H. How to stories
                  VIII. Editing Feature Articles
                      A. Why and where to edit
                      B. How to edit
                      C. Editing copy
                        1. Self
                        2. Peer
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