Maricopa Community Colleges  CSC120   19996-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 04/27/99

CSC120  1999 Fall – 2000 Summer II


4 Credit(s)

6 Period(s)

Digital Design Fundamentals

Number systems, conversion methods, binary and complement arithmetic, Boolean switching algebra and circuit minimization techniques. Analysis and design of combinational logic, flip-flops, simple counters, registers, ROMs, PLDs, synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, and state reduction techniques. Building physical circuits. Prerequisites: CSC100, or CSC110, or CSC181, or ELE181, or NET181, or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

Cross-References: EEE120

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


CSC120  1999 Fall – 2000 Summer II

Digital Design Fundamentals



Represent numbers in the binary, octal, hexadecimal, and decimal systems. (I)


Perform fundamental arithmetic operations within each number systems. (I)


Apply postulates and theorems of Boolean algebra to switching functions. (II)


Construct and interpret truth tables. (II)


Write switching functions in canonical form. (II)


Simplify switching functions through algebraic manipulation, DeMorgan's theorem, and Karnaugh maps. (II, III)


Implement switching circuits with SSI elements (AND gates, OR gates, and inverters), MSI elements (multiplexors, decoders, and bit slices), ROMs and PLAs. (IV)


Use synchronous sequential circuits with latches, master-slave, edge-triggered flipflops, and counters. (V)


Design synchronous sequential circuits by utilizing Mealy and Moore models for clocked sequential circuits, state transition tables and diagrams, and simplification techniques. (V)


Use Register Transfer Logic to describe the information flow between registers. (VI)


Develop algorithms for the control of shift registers, counters, and other register transfer-level components. (VI)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


CSC120  1999 Fall – 2000 Summer II

Digital Design Fundamentals

I. Numbering systems

A. Properties of discrete versus continuous systems

B. Binary, octal, hexadecimal, and decimal representation

C. Conversion between radices

D. Signed, one's, two's complement representation

E. Addition and subtraction

II. Boolean and switching algebra

A. Huntington's postulates

B. DeMorgan's theorem

C. Truth tables

D. SOP and POS canonical forms

III. Simplification of switching functions

A. Algebraic manipulation

B. Karnaugh maps

C. Handling don't care conditions

IV. Implementation of switching circuits

A. Random logic in SSI

B. IEEE standard symbols

C. Mixed mode logic

D. Use of MSI elements: multiplexors, decoders, bit slices

E. Synthesis using ROMs and PLAs

V. Synchronous sequential circuits

A. Latches, master-slave, and edge-triggered flipflops

B. Counters

C. Mealy and Moore models for clocked sequential circuits

D. State transition tables and diagrams

E. Simplification techniques

VI. Register level design

A. Shift registers and counters

B. Control flow specification

C. Control states and control functions


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