Maricopa Community Colleges  ASB222   19996-99999 

Official Course Description:  MCCCD Approval: 2-23-1999

ASB222  1999 Fall – 1999 Fall

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: Old World

Introduction to archaeology through discoveries and the researchers who made them. Emphasis on methods of archaeological fieldwork and what these discoveries reveal about humanity, including the nature of archaeological inquiry, the development of human social groups, the changing role of religion in evolving societies, the origins of agriculture, the origins of settled lifeways, the rise of cities and complex societies, political strife across different cultures and the forces which tend to fragment societies. Examples drawn from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Pacific Islands, and Australia.

Prerequisites: None.


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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


ASB222  1999 Fall – 1999 Fall

Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: Old World



Describe the methods and tools archaeologists use to interpret the past. (I, II, III)


Describe the logical procedures by which anthropologists distinguish between scientific and pseudo-scientific evidence. (I)


Explain the concept of humanness as it relates to the archaeological records. (II, (V)


Critique various hypotheses regarding the beginnings of reliance on domesticated plants and animals, and the implications of a sedentary life style. (III)


Describe the social structure, cultural traditions, religious ideology, and subsistence patterns of at least one culture from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific/Australian regions. (III, (IV)


Trace the rise of complex social organizations in different social/geographic contexts. (IV, V)


Explain whether social/political processes operating in prehistory and history have been repeated. (V, VI)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


ASB222  1999 Fall – 1999 Fall

Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: Old World


I. Archaeology Discovered

A. The nature of the archaeological record

1. Preservation of archaeological materials

2. Stratigraphy and dating methods in archaeology

B. Archaeological methods

1. The field survey and excavation

2. Provenience and context

3. Examples of archaeological research

C. Speculation and pseudo-science

II. The Human Pursuit of Humanness

A. The emergence of modern homo sapiens

1. The earliest traces of humanness

2. The nature of "primitive" religion

B. Bands and tribes as the first social framework

1. Meaning of bands and tribes in anthropology

2. Case study of a band or tribe

III. New Adaptations: The Road to the Present

A. The process of settling down: the ability of humans to manipulate their environment

B. Conflicting theories on the origins of agriculture

C. The early farming village

D. A modern ethnographic example

IV. The First Cities

A. Growing populations and the origins of cities

B. Integration of people

1. The development of philosophies for emerging civilization

2. The role of religion in emerging civilization

V. The Rise of Complex Societies

A. Principles behind complexity

B. Various complex adaptations

VI. Circumscription, Autonomy, and Ethnocentrism: Forces at Work

A. Politics and the fall of a complex society

B. Does history repeat itself?


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