Maricopa Community Colleges  ASB202   19986-20056 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 03/24/98
ASB202 19986-20056 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Ethnic Relations in the United States
Basic concepts and processes, including historic overview, of interethnic relations in the United States: culture, race, ethnicity, ethnocentrism, prejudice, discrimination, racism, assimilation, acculturation, and individual and group responses to interethnic contact. Cultural knowledge and intercultural communication skills and perspectives as fundamental tools for successful management of social relations in a multicultural world. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
ASB202   19986-20056 Ethnic Relations in the United States
1. Describe the importance of understanding ethnic relations in modern United States culture. (I)
2. Explain core concepts and principles of cultural anthropology. (II)
3. Explain core concepts related to race, ethnicity, and culture. (III)
4. Summarize a major anthropological theory or model of ethnic relations. (IV)
5. Compare and contrast the variety of ways in which groups adapt to a multicultural society. (V)
6. Compare and contrast individual adaptations to interethnic contact. (V)
7. Provide a historical perspective regarding various ethnic groups in the United States. (VI)
8. Analyze the impact of contact over time between various ethnic groups in the United States. (VI)
9. Compare and contrast the sociopolitical/economic factors in immigration to the United States for different ethnic groups. (VI, VII)
10. Describe and analyze in depth some of the major contemporary issues in interethnic relations in the United States. (VII)
11. Incorporate concepts of interethnic relations into an understanding of a specific area of interest. (VIII)
12. Formulate predictions regarding the future of interethnic relations in a changing United States society. (IX)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
ASB202   19986-20056 Ethnic Relations in the United States
    I. Importance of understanding interethnic relations in modern U.S. culture
      II. Understanding culture and human behavior
        III. Concepts of race, ethnicity, and culture
          IV. Theory and models of ethnic relations
            V. Intercultural contact
                A. Group adaptations
                B. Individual adaptations
              VI. History of interethnic relations in the U.S.
                  A. Native American
                  B. European Americans
                  C. Hispanics
                  D. African-Americans
                  E. Asian-Americans
                  F. Other groups
                VII. Contemporary issues in interethnic relations
                    A. Prejudice and discrimination
                    B. Affirmative Action and related programs
                    C. Immigration
                    D. Interplay of class and ethnic group
                  VIII. An applied perspective on interethnic relations
                      A. Community
                      B. Workplace
                      C. Institutions
                    IX. Future of interethnic relations in the U.S.
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