Maricopa Community Colleges  COM207   19984-20045 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 02/24/98
COM207 19984-20045 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Introduction to Communication Inquiry
Bases of inquiry into human communication, including introduction to notions of theory, philosophy, problems, and approaches to the study of communication. Required for communication major status at ASU. Prerequisites: ENG101 or ENG107 or equivalent, and COM100 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
COM207   19984-20045 Introduction to Communication Inquiry
1. Trace the history of the communication field and describe the breadth of the discipline today. (I)
2. Identify and describe the basics of communications research. (II)
3. Use a research library to review and analyze existing communication research. (II)
4. Apply logic when reading and writing criticism of communication research. (II-V)
5. Write at least one paper using the MLA format. (II)
6. Write at least one paper using the APA format. (II)
7. Describe the parameters and the research existing within each research method paradigm. (IV, V, VI)
8. Assess the appropriateness of each research method paradigm by analyzing a variety of journal articles written by communication scholars. (IV,V,VI)
9. Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior in the performance of assigned tasks. (I-VII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
COM207   19984-20045 Introduction to Communication Inquiry
    I. Introduction to the Communication Field
        A. The Rhetorical Tradition
        B. Breadth of Discipline Today
      II. Basics of Communication Research
          A. Research Resources
          B. The Research Library
          C. Formats
            1. Modern Language Association (MLA)
            2. American Psychological Association (APA)
          D. Reasoning/Logic
          E. Plagiarism and How to Avoid It
        III. Communication Paradigms
            A. What is a Paradigm
            B. Criticism Within a Paradigm
            C. Criticism Across Paradigms
          IV. Rhetorical Paradigm
              A. Observation
              B. Analysis
              C. Interpretation
              D. Evaluation
              E. Writing Criticism of Rhetorical Study
            V. Quantitative Paradigm
                A. The Hypothesis
                  1. Logic
                  2. Types
                B. Types of Terms
                C. Variables
                D. Measurements and Scales
                E. Experimental Designs
                F. Threats of Validity
                G. Concept of the Normal Curve
                H. Central Tendency
                I. Sampling
                J. Descriptive Statistics
                K. Writing Criticism of a Quantitative Study
              VI. Qualitative Paradigm
                  A. Naturalistic/Field Research
                  B. Hymes' System
                  C. Writing Field Notes
                  D. Practice Observation
                  E. Interpreting Field Note Data
                  F. Writing a Field Research Proposal
                  G. Selecting Supporting Sources
                VII. Professional Behavior
                    A. Setting and Meeting Timelines
                    B. Using Paradigms Appropriately and Accurately
                    C. Giving and Receiving Criticism
                    D. Modeling Ethical Behavior
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