Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS121AE   19976-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 11-26-96

CIS121AE  1997 Fall – 2009 Summer II


1 Credit(s)

2 Period(s)

Windows Operating System: Level I

Specific topics include booting and shutting down the computer, navigating the desktop, start button features, taskbar status, and receiving on-line help support. Exploring and managing folders and files, running programs, and learning about Wordpad and Paint application programs.

Prerequisites: None.

Cross-References: BPC121AE

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


CIS121AE  1997 Fall – 2009 Summer II

Windows Operating System: Level I



Perform boot-up and shut down procedures on the computer. (I)


Operate and utilize the on-screen, desktop menus. (II)


Use the start button to explore the menu tree of Windows. (III)


Track the status of application programs currently being used through the taskbar function. (IV)


Open, minimize, restore and close on-screen windows. (V)


Use the Help utility to obtain information. (VI)


Use the Explorer to locate and manage folders and files. (VII)


Load and operate specific application programs. (VIII)


Perform specific word-processing functions using the WordPad program. (IX)


Perform specific graphic design functions using the Paint program. (X)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


CIS121AE  1997 Fall – 2009 Summer II

Windows Operating System: Level I


I. Boot and shut down procedures

A. Powering on the computer

B. Shut down

1. Powering off

2. Restarting

II. Desktop functions

A. Components of the desktop

1. Desktop icons

2. Taskbar

B. Using the mouse to select objects

III. Start button

A. Start button menu

B. Cascading submenus

C. Resting pointer vs. a single click

IV. Taskbar functions

A. Concept of taskbar buttons

B. Time/date indicator

C. Positioning of the taskbar

V. Open, minimize, restore, and close windows

A. Double click to open a window

B. Minimize icon to set an application aside

C. Restoring windows

D. Closing windows

VI. Help utility

A. Help contents

1. Book

2. Page

B. Alphabetical topics list

C. Key word search

VII. The explorer

A. Explorer 's primary features

B. Characteristics of the explorer window

C. Folder pane

1. Expanding folders

2. Collapsing folders

D. File pane

1. Icons

2. Registered file types

3. Level of detail

E. Folder management

1. Creating

2. Moving

3. Renaming

4. Deleting

F. File management

1. Copying

2. Moving

3. Renaming

4. Deleting

VIII. Run programs

A. Programs submenu of the start menu

B. Cascading system of program groups

C. Running a program

IX. Use wordpad

A. Brief overview of wordpad

B. Components of the wordpad window

1. Standard toolbar

2. Formatting toolbar

3. Horizontal/vertical scrollbars

4. Menu bar/menu system

5. Text area

C. Entering text

D. Moving the cursor

E. Selecting text

F. Performing cut/copy and paste

G. Working with files

1. Creating

2. Saving

3. Opening

4. Closing

X. Use paint

A. Brief overview of paint

B. Components of the paint window

1. Paint "tools"

2. Color selector

3. Line thickness selector

4. Menu bar/ menu system

5. Horizontal/vertical scrollbars

6. Drawing board

C. Drawing concepts

D. Filled and unfilled objects

E. Selecting objects

F. Text concepts

G. Working with files

1. Creating

2. Saving

3. Opening

4. Closing



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