Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS156   19966-20016 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  09/25/01
CIS156      19966-20016 L+L 3 Credit(s) 4 Period(s)
FORTRAN Programming I
Use of the FORTRAN programming language to solve problems using suitable examples from business and/or mathematics, using an appropriate microcomputer or timesharing system. Prerequisites: CIS105, or permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
CIS156   19966-20016 FORTRAN Programming I
1. Identify the major components of a computer system and describe how they are used to execute a program. (I)
2. Analyze problem descriptions and design programming solutions to the problems, using common problem solving techniques. (II)
3. Code planned solutions into working FORTRAN programs, using suitable programming constructs. (III)
4. Use an appropriate computer system to enter, modify and execute programs which solve problems using the FORTRAN language. (IV)
5. Locate and correct logical and syntactical errors in programs. (V)
6. Use appropriate data to verify correctness of problem solution. (VI)
7. Create appropriate documentation. (II, VII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
CIS156   19966-20016 FORTRAN Programming I
    I. Computer components (1)
        A. CPU
        B. Input/output devices
        C. Primary storage
        D. Secondary storage
      II. Problem solving techniques (2, 7)
          A. Defining the problem
            1. Output required
            2. Input required
            3. Processing/manipulations required
          B. Designing the algorithm
            1. Structure/hierarchy charts
            2. Pseudo-code and/or flowchart
            3. Fundamental program constructs
              a. Sequence
              b. Iteration
              c. Selection
              d. Modularization
        III. FORTRAN language tools (3)
            A. Constants and variables
            B. Assignment statement
              1. Integer, real, floating point
              2. Alphabetic, blank, character
            C. Output statements
              1. PRINT *, list
              2. WRITE
            D. Input statements
              1. READ *, list
              2. READ/FORMAT
            E. Control statements
              1. IF-THEN-ELSE, ENDIF statements
              2. DO/WHILE routines
              3. GO TO/RETURN statements
            F. String and numeric manipulations
              1. Hierarchy of mathematical operations
              2. Intrinsic functions
              3. User-defined functions
            G. Arrays
              1. Defining arrays (DIM)
              2. Use of iteration routines to load tables
              3. Algorithms to search tables
            H. Files
              1. OPEN and CLOSE statements
              2. READ statement for file access
              3. WRITE statement for file access
          IV. Using FORTRAN to solve problems (4)
              A. Entering FORTRAN programs
                1. Saving and retrieving FORTRAN programs
                2. Merging FORTRAN programs
              B. Executing programs
              C. Use of common programming constructs
                1. Sequence
                2. Iteration (looping)
                3. Selection
                4. Subprograms
                5. Subroutines
                6. Program modules
              D. Report preparation and production
              E. Universal algorithms
                1. Table search
                2. Sort
                3. Control breaks
            V. Debugging programs (5)
                A. Syntax error detection and correction
                B. Logic error detection and correction
              VI. Use of test data in programs (6)
                  A. Creating test data sets
                  B. Single data files
                  C. Multiple data files
                VII. Programming documentation (7)
                    A. Refined structure/hierarchy charts
                    B. Refined pseudo code or flowcharts
                    C. Internal documentation (Comments) statements
                    D. Printer layout charts
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