Maricopa Community Colleges  AIS160   19966-19976 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 12/12/95
AIS160 19966-19976 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Indian Law for Government
American Indian legal issues, tribal powers, authority and assertions for self-determination. Prerequisites: None.
Cross-References: PAD160
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
AIS160   19966-19976 Indian Law for Government
1. Identify and describe the sources and scope of tribal powers. (I)
2. Describe the limitations of the scope and exercise of tribal powers. (II)
3. Analyze the Indian Civil Rights Act in terms of its impact on case law, tribal courts, and non-Indian government policies. (II, V)
4. Identify and describe basic jurisdictional relationships . (III)
5. Describe the significance of Infringement and Preemption tests. (III)
6. Summarize the scope of tribal jurisdiction. (III, IV, V)
7. Describe tribal courts including historical development , form, jurisdiction and relationships with neighboring jurisdictions. (V)
8. Identify and describe major legal issues involving Indian affairs. (VI)
9. Trace the history of American Indian treaties including their claims, interpretation and abrogation. (VII)
10. Summarize the contracting procedures under Title I of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. (VIII)
11. Trace the history of termination policy and describe how to challenge termination procedures. (IX)
12. Cite areas of conflict and jurisdictional uncertainty between American Indian law and United States non-Indian law. (III-IX)
13. Identify and describe the impact of land law and allotments on American Indian tribes. (X)
14. Describe contemporary economic development taking place among American Indian tribes and identify issues and concerns related to such development. (XI)
15. Describe the impact of the Indian Reorganization Act on tribal government s. ( XII)
16. Identify and describe Federal Indian Law as it relates to special cases. (XIII)
17. Explain the relations of Indian tribal governments with Federal and State governments. (IV)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
AIS160   19966-19976 Indian Law for Government
    I. Tribal Powers
        A. Sources
        B. Exercise of Tribal Power
        C. Limitations on Scope and Exercise
      II. Indian Civil Rights Act
          A. Case Law
          B. Department of the Interior Policies
        III. Civil Jurisdiction
            A. Jurisdictional Relationships
              1. Infringement Test
              2. Preemption Test
            B. State Attempts to Exercise Jurisdiction
            C. Tribal Jurisdiction
          IV. Criminal Jurisdiction Within Indian Country
              A. Federal, State, and Tribal Jurisdictions
              B. Major Jurisdictional Issues
            V. Tribal Courts
                A. Basis of Tribal Jurisdiction
                B. Courts of Federal Regulation
                C. Jurisdiction
                D. Impact of Indian Civil Rights Act
                E. Relationships with Neighboring Jurisdictions
                F. Tribal Justice Act of 1993
              VI. Legal Issues
                  A. Public Law 280
                  B. Indian Hunting and Fishing Law
                    1. Source
                    2. Nature and Extent
                    3. Regulation
                  C. Indian Water Rights
                    1. Water Rights Doctrine
                    2. Future of Water Rights
                  D. Taxation and Indian Affairs
                    1. Tribal Taxation
                    2. State Taxation
                    3. Federal Taxation
                  E. Dams and the Law ofEminent Domain
                    1. New York
                    2. North Dakota
                    3. Arizona
                VII. Law of American Indian Treaties
                    A. History of Treaty Negotiations
                    B. Relationship of Trust
                    C. Interpretation of Indian Treaties
                    D. Abrogation of Treaty Rights
                    E. Claims
                  VIII. Title I of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
                      A. Contracting Procedures
                        1. Bureau Of Indian Affairs
                        2. Indian Health Service
                      B. "Boilerplate" Clauses
                        1. Bureau of Indian Affairs
                        2. Indian Health Service
                    IX. Termination Laws
                        A. Historical Antecedents
                        B. Current Procedures
                        C. Challenging Unfair Procedures
                      X. Land Law/Allotments
                          A. General Allotment Act
                          B. Fractionation/Heirship Issues
                          C. Indian Land Claims Act of 1983
                        XI. Economic Development
                            A. Gaming
                            B. Resource Management
                            C. Taxation
                          XII. Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)
                              A. "Boilerplate" Constitutions
                              B. IRA vs. Non-IRA Tribes
                            XIII. Federal Law/Special Cases
                                A. Alaska
                                B. California
                                C. New York
                                D. Oklahoma
                              XIV. Relations with Federal/State Governments
                                  A. Legislatures
                                    1. National
                                    2. State
                                  B. U. S. Executive Branch
                                    1. Department of Interior
                                    2. Bureau of Indian Affairs
                                    3. Federal Agencies
                                  C. State
                                    1. Governor's Task Forces
                                    2. Governor's Commissions
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