Maricopa Community Colleges  CSC230   19956-19965 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/27/95
CSC230 19956-19965 LEC 3 Credit(s) 4 Period(s)
Internet/Open Systems Networking
Introduction to open systems networking architecture. Major internet protocols are examined in detail and compared with some of the protocols proposed in the OSI standards. Prerequisites: (CSC130, or CIS190, or ELT245) and (CSC110 or knowledge of C programming), or approval of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
CSC230   19956-19965 Internet/Open Systems Networking
1. Explain how open system protocols differ from proprietary protocols. (I)
2. Describe the OSI model of a network architecture and the interaction between layers in the OSI model. (I)
3. Describe the current open system architecture and the interaction between the layers within that architecture.(I)
4. Compare and contrast the current open system architecture with the OSI model. (I)
5. Use internet protocols for file transfer, remote access, and electronic mail. (II)
6. Describe features of application protocols which permit them to be used on any computer, regardless of the computers underlying architecture. (II)
7. Compare and contrast connectionless transport providers with connection-oriented transport providers. (III)
8. Describe each of the following in the context of a connection- orientedtransport provider: Acknowledgement and retransmission. Windowing and flow control. End to end error detection. Connection establishment and connection termination. Round trip time estimation. Backoff and congestion. (III)
9. Compare and contrast different approaches to addressing and subnetting. (IV)
10. Compare and contrast different routing protocols. (IV)
11. Describe how internet addresses are mapped to physical addresses. (V)
12. Explain how internet protocols are hardware independent. (I,V)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
CSC230   19956-19965 Internet/Open Systems Networking
    I. Overview
        A. Protocols
        B. Open system protocols
          1. Open system network
          2. Specific computer architectures
        C. Network architecture
          1. Protocol suites
          2. Layered structure of protocols
          3. Layer to layer communication
        D. Current open systems architecture
          1. Application layer
          2. Transport layer
          3. Network layer
          4. Data link layer
        E. OSI model of a network architecture
      II. Application Protocols
          A. File transfer
          B. Remote access
          C. Electronic mail
        III. Transport protocols
            A. Connectionless
            B. Connection-oriented
              1. Acknowledgement and retransmission
              2. Windowing and flow control
              3. End to end error detection
              4. Connection establishment and connection termination
              5. Round trip time estimation
              6. Backoff and congestion
          IV. Network Protocols
              A. Addresses and subnetting
              B. Routing: indirect and direct
              C. Routing protocols: exchange of information between gateways
            V. Data Link Protocols
                A. Mapping internet addresses to physical addresses
                B. Abstraction from the underlying network
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