Maricopa Community Colleges  BIO160   19956-19995 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  06/22/99  
BIO160      19956-19995 LEC
4 Credit(s)
0 Credit(s)
3 Period(s)
3 Period(s)
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Study of structure and dynamics of the human body. For students who desire a one semester course in anatomy and physiology. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
BIO160   19956-19995 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
1. Describe structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs. (I, III, V, VI)
2. Describe the principle of homeostasis. (II)
3. Describe chemical processes necessary for proper functioning of the human body. (IV)
4. Describe structure and function of the integumentary system. (VII)
5. Describe structure and function of joints and the skeletal system. (VIII, IX)
6. Describe structure and function of the muscular system. (X)
7. Describe structure and function of the nervous system. (XI)
8. Describe structure and function of the endocrine system. (XII)
9. Describe structure and function of the cardiovascular system. (XIII)
10. Describe structure and function of the immune system. (XIV)
11. Describe structure and function of the respiratory system. (XV)
12. Describe structure and function of the digestive system. (XVI)
13. Describe structure and function of the urinary system. (XVII)
14. Describe structure and function of the reproductive system. (XVIII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
BIO160   19956-99999 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
    I. Levels of Structural Organization
      II. Homeostasis
          A. Homeostatic control mechanisms
          B. Homeostatic imbalance
        III. Basic Terminology
            A. Anatomical position and directional terms
            B. Body planes and sections
            C. Body cavities
            D. Regional terms
            E. Structural units
              1. Cells
              2. Tissues
              3. Organs
              4. Systems
          IV. Chemistry of the Body
              A. Concepts of matter and energy
              B. Composition of matter
              C. Molecules and compounds
              D. Chemical bonds and chemical reactions
              E. Biochemistry: the chemical composition of living matter
                1. Inorganic Compounds
                2. Organic Compounds
            V. Cells
                A. Anatomy
                B. Physiology
              VI. Body Tissues
                  A. Epithelial
                  B. Connective
                  C. Nervous
                  D. Muscle
                  E. Tissue repair (wound healing)
                VII. Skin and Body Membranes
                    A. Classification
                      1. Cutaneous
                      2. Mucous
                      3. Serous
                    B. Integumentary system (skin)
                  VIII. Skeletal System
                      A. Function
                      B. Classification
                      C. Structure
                      D. Bone formation, growth and remodeling
                    IX. Joints
                        A. Synarthroses
                        B. Amphiarthroses
                        C. Diarthroses
                      X. Muscular System
                          A. Functions
                          B. Types
                          C. Physiology
                          D. Body movements
                        XI. Nervous System
                            A. Organization
                            B. Structure
                            C. Central nervous system
                              1. Structure
                              2. Function
                            D. Peripheral nervous system
                              1. Structure
                              2. Function
                            E. Special senses
                          XII. Endocrine System
                              A. Structure
                              B. Function
                            XIII. Cardiovascular System
                                A. Blood
                                  1. Composition
                                  2. Function
                                B. The heart
                                  1. Structure
                                  2. Function
                                C. Blood vessels
                                  1. Structure
                                  2. Function
                                  3. Types
                                D. Lymphatic association
                              XIV. Immune System
                                  A. Structure
                                  B. Function
                                XV. Respiratory System
                                    A. Structure
                                    B. Function
                                  XVI. Digestive System and Body Metabolism
                                      A. Structure
                                      B. Function
                                    XVII. Urinary System
                                        A. Structure
                                        B. Function
                                      XVIII. Reproductive System
                                          A. Structure
                                          B. Function
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