Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS270AA   19946-19954 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 04/26/94
CIS270AA 19946-19954 L+L 3 Credit(s) 4 Period(s)
Data Communications
Exploration of data communication and network technologies, security, functionality, specifications of various protocols, industry standards, media types, and access methods. Local, metropolitan, enterprise, and wide area networks discussed. Prerequisites: CIS109 or CIS190 or permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
CIS270AA   19946-19954 Data Communications
1. Explain how to configure networks. (I)
2. Describe methods used to address network workstations and servers. (I)
3. Explain how to upgrade a network operating system. (I)
4. Explain the uses of internal and external routers. (I)
5. Describe network operating system shells. (I)
6. Describe the uses of network utilities. (II)
7. Describe the use of network monitors, menu utilities, and performance monitoring utilities to troubleshoot a network. (II)
8. Describe performance and reliability as they relate to troubleshooting networks. (II)
9. Contrast analog and digital network technologies. (III)
10. Contrast asynchronous and synchronous transmission networks. (III)
11. Use either an asynchronous or a synchronous connection method. (III)
12. Explain the uses of protocol suites. (IV)
13. Describe network technologies. (V)
14. Explain how to configure a local network workstation. (VI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
CIS270AA   19946-19954 Data Communications
    I. Configuring Network Hardware
        A. Hard drives
        B. Memory
        C. Disk coprocessor boards
        D. Network addressing
        E. Routers
        F. Shells
        G. Cabling media types
      II. Troubleshooting Networks
          A. Performance
          B. Reliability
          C. Upgrades
          D. Utilities
          E. Monitors
        III. Network Technologies
            A. Analog
            B. Digital
            C. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
            D. EBCIDIC (Extended Binary Decimal Coding System)
            E. Asynchronous
            F. Syncronous
            G. Network signal transmissions
            H. Network switching techniques
          IV. Protocol Suites
              A. OSI (Open-Systems Interconnection)
              B. SNA (synchronous Network)
              C. TCP/IP (Internet Protocol)
              D. NetWare
              E. Apple Talk
              F. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
              G. Specifications
              H. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) 802 work group transmission standards
            V. Topologies
                A. Architecture
                B. Access Methods
                C. Definitions
              VI. Local Workstation Configuration
                  A. Booting
                  B. Operation system commands
                  C. Managing files
                  D. Configuration files
                  E. DOS
                  F. UNIX
                  G. OS/2 (Operating System/2)
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