Maricopa Community Colleges  BIO202   19946-19985 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 03/22/94
BIO202 19946-19985 LEC
4 Credit(s)
0 Credit(s)
3 Period(s)
3 Period(s)
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Continuation of structure and function of the human body. Topics include endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Prerequisites: BIO201 or permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
BIO202   19946-19985 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
1. Identify the structure, location, and regulation of the body's various endocrine cells and glands. (I)
2. Describe the functions of the body's various hormones, and cite examples of disorders that result from their imbalance. (I)
3. Describe the structures of the digestive system and how they function in digestion, absorption, and metabolism. (II)
4. Describe the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems, including gametogenesis. (III)
5. Describe the various stages of embyonic, fetal, and placental development. (III)
6. Describe changes that occur during pregnancy, parturition, and lactation. (III)
7. Describe the composition and function of blood, including formed elements. (IV)
8. Describe the structures and functions of the cardiovascular system. (IV)
9. Describe the structures and functions of the lymphatic system as well as the mechanisms of defense and immunity. (V)
10. Describe the structures of the respiratory system and how they accomplish ventilation, respiration, and gas transport. (VI)
11. Describe the structure of the urinary system and their involvement in the regulation of fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients. (VII, VIII)
12. Describe the regulation of water balance and the control and distribution of the ionic components of body fluids. (VIII)
13. Explain the regulation of acid-base balance in the body and the complications of acidosis and alkalosis. (VIII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
BIO202   19946-19985 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
    I. Endocrine System
        A. Location and structure of hormone-producing cells and glands
        B. Mechanisms of hormone control, action, and feedback
        C. Endocrine control of general physiology and integration
        D. Endocrine-related disorders
      II. Digestive System
          A. Structures and locations
          B. Mechanical and chemical digestion
            1. Carbohydrates
            2. Lipids
            3. Proteins
          C. Absorption and transport of nutrients
          D. Digestion-related disorders
        III. Reproductive System
            A. Embryologic and fetal development of reproductive organs
            B. Male and female structure and function
              1. Gametogenesis
              2. Cycles
              3. Hormonal controls and interactions
            C. Pregnancy, prenatal development, parturition, and lactation
            D. Reproduction-related disorders
          IV. Cardiovascular System
              A. Blood
                1. Composition
                2. Hemopoiesis
                3. Antigenic and coagulative properties
              B. Heart structure and function
                1. Controls
                2. Monitoring systems
              C. Vascular components
                1. Structures and locations
                2. Fetal, neonatal, and adult pathways
                3. Hemodynamics
              D. Cardiovascular-related disorders
            V. Lymphatic System
                A. Structures and locations
                B. Nonspecific defenses
                C. Mediated responses
                  1. Antibody
                  2. Cell
                D. Immunlogical related disorders
              VI. Respiratory System
                  A. Structures and locations
                  B. Mechanics and control of pulmonary ventilation
                  C. Gas exchange and transport
                  D. Respiratory-related disorders
                VII. Urinary System
                    A. Structures and locations
                    B. Urine formation and control
                    C. Urinary-related disorders
                  VIII. Fluids and Electrolytes
                      A. Fluid compartments
                      B. Types of electrolytes and their function and control
                      C. Homeostatic mechanisms
                      D. Responses to acidosis and alkalosis
                        1. Buffer
                        2. Respiratory
                        3. Renal
                      E. Fluid-related disorders
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