Maricopa Community Colleges  CPD282AA   19926-19935 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/26/92
CPD282AA 19926-19935 LAB 1 Credit(s) 1 Period(s)
Volunteerism for Counseling and PersonalDevelopment: A Service Learning Experience
Service-learning field experience within private/public agencies, and citizen volunteer groups. May be repeated for a total of six (6) CPD282 credit hours. Offered as credit (P) or no credit (Z) basis. Standard grading available according to procedures outlined in catalog. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
CPD282AA   19926-19935 Volunteerism for Counseling and PersonalDevelopment: A Service Learning Experience
1. Complete individual educational plan approved by the faculty coordinator for the student and sponsoring agency. (I)
2. Demonstrate both oral and written communications skills through reflective journal and group discussions. (I)
3. Report on service-learning experience with assigned agency. (I)
4. Provide written analysis and critique of the service-learning experience. (I)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
CPD282AA   19926-19935 Volunteerism for Counseling and PersonalDevelopment: A Service Learning Experience
    I. Service-Learning Core Components
      II. (Other material appropriate to agency experience).
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