Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS114AE   19926-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 10-22-1991

CIS114AE  1992 Fall – 2011 Fall

L+L  1.0 Credit(s)  2.0 Period(s)  1.7 Load  Occ

Excel: Level I

Computer spreadsheet skills for solving business problems using Excel, including calculations, forecasting, and projections.

Prerequisites: None.

Cross-References: BPC114AE

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


CIS114AE  1992 Fall – 2011 Fall

Excel: Level I



Load and set up the spreadsheet program. (I)


Create a properly formatted worksheet file. (II)


Build a template using labels, numbers, and formulas. (III)


Enter, delete, and alter spreadsheet data. (IV)


Save a spreadsheet on disk and retrieve it. (V)


Print a spreadsheet on the printer and on disk. (VI)


Sort a spreadsheet in a variety of ways. (VII)


Create and print a graph. (VIII)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


CIS114AE  1992 Fall – 2011 Fall

Excel: Level I


I. Spreadsheet Concepts

A. Loading

B. Terminology

C. Set up

II. Creating a Worksheet file

A. Using proper keys

B. Aligning data within cells

C. Reformatting data within cells

III. Building an electronic spreadsheet template

A. Entering formulas

B. Using proper symbols

C. Algebraic hierarchy

IV. Entering Data

A. Entering new data

B. Deleting existing data

C. Modifying existing data

V. Saving and retrieving files

A. Saving a spreadsheet file on disk

B. Updating and correcting a spreadsheet file

C. Replacing a spreadsheet

VI. Printing a spreadsheet

A. Controlling margins and options

B. Printing on the printer

C. Printing on the disk

VII. Sorting a spreadsheet

A. Sorting in ascending order on rows or columns

B. Sorting in descending order on rows or columns

VIII. Creating and printing graphs


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