I. IMS database foundation
1. Hierarchy, parent-children, twins
3. Records, segments, fields, keys, segment prefix
4. DBD, PSB, ACB (Application Control Block), PCB
C. Records, segments, fields, keys, segment prefix
2. Segment Sensitivity, Processing Options, Update Intent
II. Batch application programming
A. DL/I and BMP Program types
B. IMS, Job Control Language (JCL)
C. PSB, PCB, and SSA in application programs
E. Unqualified calls vs. qualified calls
F. DL/I return status codes
III. Advanced IMS call options
D. Call paterns and data base position
3. Key fields and search fields
IV. Conversion DL/I to BMP processing
C. Generalized Sequential Access Methods (GSAM) data bases and
their usage
V. Message processing programs
A. Transaction processing
1. MID (Message Input Descriptor) /MOD (Message Output
2. DIF (Device Input Format)/DOF (Device Output Format)