Maricopa Community Colleges  BIO160   19906-19955 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 12/12/89
BIO160 19906-19955 LEC
4 Credit(s)
0 Credit(s)
3 Period(s)
3 Period(s)
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Study of structure and dynamics of the human body. For students who desire a one semester course in anatomy and physiology. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
BIO160   19906-19955 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
1. Identify the major bones of the body. (I, IX, X)
2. Identify the major muscles of the body. (IX, X)
3. Identify the organs of the remaining organ systems. (VI, VII, VIII, XI, XII, XIII)
4. Know the function of: A) Cells B) Tissues C) Organs D) Organ systems (IV)
5. Understand the mechanisms required for homeostasis. (V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, XII)
6. Understand the nature of major diseases, including some caused by microorganisms. (XIII)
7. Handle problems using the metric system. (II)
8. Understand the nature of the chemical processes necessary for proper functioning of the human body.
9. Understand and use the light microscope. (I)
10. Appreciate human disease entities. (III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
BIO160   19906-19955 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
    I. Measurement and Microscopy
        A. The metric system
        B. Units of the metric system
        C. Conversions
        D. The microscope
      II. Chemistry of the Body
          A. Living matter
          B. Energy
          C. Inorganic compounds found in cells
          D. Organic compounds found in living cells
          E. Chemical reactions - metabolism
        III. Infectious Agents
            A. Some major historical aspects
            B. Classification
            C. Nomenclature
            D. Normal flora
            E. Effects on physiology
            F. Defense mechanisms of the body
            G. Selected diseases
          IV. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
              A. Terms dealing with direction
              B. Planes of the body
              C. Body cavities
              D. Structural units:
                1. Cells
                2. Tissues
                3. Organs
                4. Systems
            V. Homeostasis as Determined by Interaction of Nervous and Endocrine System
                A. Organization of nervous system
                B. Nerve impulse conduction
                C. Specialized receptor cells
                D. Spial cord and spinal nerves
                E. Brain
                F. Autonomic nervous system
                G. Introduction to endocrine system
                H. Selected diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems
              VI. Cardiovascular System and Blood
                  A. Cardiovascular system organization
                  B. Circulatory system
                  C. Blood pressure
                  D. Blood - its composition and function
                  E. Selected diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood
                VII. Protecting the Body
                    A. The skin and associated structures
                    B. The lymphatic tissue
                    C. Selected diseases of the skin and lymphatic system
                  VIII. Specialized Sensory Receptors and Organs
                      A. Receptor cell types
                      B. Nature of stimuli
                      C. Kinds of receptors
                      D. Specialized sense organs
                      E. Selected diseases of the sensory organs
                    IX. Movements: Roles of Bones and Muscles
                        A. Introduction to muscular and skeletal systems
                        B. Classification and structure of bones
                        C. Bones, membranes, cartilages, markings
                        D. Bones as levers and how levers move
                        E. Functional parts of a skeletal muscle
                        F. Motor units and myoneural junctions
                        G. Basic principles of skeletal muscle action
                        H. Bones, muscles, bursae and movements
                        I. Muscle of abdomen
                        J. Types of joints
                        K. Selected diseases of the muscular and skeletal systems
                      X. Physiology of Muscles and Bones
                          A. Nature of bone tissue
                            1. Formation
                            2. Growth
                            3. Importance of salts
                            4. Marrow
                            5. Haversian system
                            6. Fractures and repair
                          B. Skeletal muscle tissue - microscopic aspect
                          C. Physiology of muscle contraction
                          D. Chemistry of muscle contraction
                          E. Selected diseases of the muscle and bone tissue
                        XI. Regulation of Internal Environments
                            A. Body fluids - compartments
                            B. Movement of fluids and electrolytes between compartments
                            C. Role of lymphatic system
                            D. Respiratory system
                            E. Urinary system
                            F. Disorder and diseases
                            G. Selected diseases of lymphatic, respiratory and urinary systems
                          XII. Food: Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation and Excretion (3, 5, 10)
                              A. Functions
                              B. Digestion and related activities
                              C. Ingestion and mechanical breakdown
                              D. Enzymes - their secretion and role in chemical digestion
                              E. Absorption
                              F. Metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins
                              G. Vitamins
                              H. Selected diseases of the digestive system
                            XIII. The Reproductive Systems
                                A. Female
                                  1. Anatomy
                                  2. Physiology (menstrual cycle)
                                  3. Fertilization
                                B. Male
                                  1. Anatomy
                                  2. Physiology
                                  3. Gametogenesis
                                C. Fertilization
                                D. Implantation and maintenance
                                E. Major embryological aspects
                                F. Parturition
                                G. Selected diseases of the reproductive systems
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