Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS108   19896-19992 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  12/08/98  
CIS108      19896-19992 LEC 1 Credit(s) 1 Period(s)
Careers in Information Systems
Survey of current employment opportunities in the information systems field. Job search skills, occupational categories, qualifications, and work ethics also examined. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
CIS108   19896-19992 Careers in Information Systems
1. Describe job opportunities in computer operations (I)
2. Describe job opportunities in computer programming (I)
3. Describe job opportunities in systems analysis and design (I)
4. Describe job opportunities in hardware installation and maintenance (I)
5. Describe career ladders in large systems environments (II)
6. Describe career ladders in small systems environments (II)
7. Enumerate various job search strategies for positions in the information systems field. (II)
8. Use various sources of job openings and professional assistance in seeking computer related positions (III)
9. Enumerate the general qualifications and level of expertise required for the various computer related job opportunities currently available (III)
10. Describe the potential ethical conflicts specific to the information systms field (IV)
11. Describe work standards typical to computer related positions (IV)
12. Describe standards of conduct related to privacy issues in information systems positions (IV)
13. Describe standards of conduct related to dealing with the public in a service capacity (IV)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
CIS108   19896-19992 Careers in Information Systems
    I. Job categories within information systems
        A. Operations
        B. Programming
        C. Systems analysis and design
        D. Hardware installation and maintenance
      II. Career Ladders
          A. Large systems environments
          B. Small systems environments
          C. Small businesses
          D. Consulting
        III. Job search strategies
            A. Sources of openings
            B. Qualifications
            C. Setting up the requisite forms and documentation
          IV. Ethics in the workplace
              A. Potential ethical problems unique to information systems work
              B. Work standards
              C. Privacy issues
              D. Dealing with the public in service occupations
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