Maricopa Community Colleges  AJS260   19886-19945 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 03/08/88
AJS260 19886-19945 L+L 1 Credit(s) 1 Period(s)
Law Enforcement Instructor Certification I
Characteristics of the adult learner, learning theories, development of a comfortable learning environment, and role and liabilities of criminal justice trainers. Applications of basic concepts. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
AJS260   19886-19945 Law Enforcement Instructor Certification I
1. Identify the common characteristics of the typical adult learner. (I)
2. Identify the optimum conditions under which adult learners learn. (II)
3. Describe the difference in assumptions between androgogy and pedagogy and explain the implications of those assumptions. (III)
4. Describe and apply fundamental learning theories and learning styles. (IV)
5. Describe the role of the trainer and the potential liabilities of a trainer. (V)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
AJS260   19886-19945 Law Enforcement Instructor Certification I
    I. Characteristics of the Typical Adult Learner
        A. Physical characteristics
        B. Psychological characteristics
        C. Emotional characteristics
        D. Educational and life experiences
      II. Optimum Learning Conditions
          A. Physical arrangements
          B. Preparatory materials and activities
          C. Opening session
          D. Group activities
          E. Positive thinking environment
        III. Androgogy versus Pedagogy
            A. Differences in assumptions made
              1. Self-concept
              2. Experience
              3. Readiness to learn
              4. Orientation to learning
          IV. Learning theories and learning styles
              A. Traditional
              B. Behavioral
              C. Humanistic
              D. Information processing
              E. Other
            V. Role and liabilities of a trainer
                A. Role of trainer
                  1. Communicator
                  2. Leader
                  3. Facilitator
                  4. Motivator
                  5. Counselor
                B. Liabilities of trainer
                  1. Criminal
                  2. Civil
                  3. Ethical
                  4. Personal
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