Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS105   20044-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-25-2010

CIS105  2011 Spring – 2011 Summer II

L+L  3.0 Credit(s)  4.0 Period(s)  3.7 Load  Occ

Survey of Computer Information Systems

Overview of computer technology, concepts, terminology, and the role of computers in business and society. Discussion of social and ethical issues related to computers. Use of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software. Includes uses of application software and the Internet for efficient and effective problem solving. Exploration of relevant emerging technologies.

Prerequisites: None.


Course Attribute(s):

General Education Designation: Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications - [CS]

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


CIS105  2011 Spring – 2011 Summer II

Survey of Computer Information Systems


1.         Identify common hardware components of computer systems and describe their uses. (I)

2.         Identify different types of software and their uses. (II)

3.         Describe common uses of networks. (III)

4.         Describe Website Technology. (IV)

5.         Use the Internet to communicate, collaborate, and retrieve information. (IV, VII)

6.         Explore system security and privacy issues. (III, IV, VII)

7.         Create macros and understand the basics of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). (V)

8.         Describe the steps in planning and implementing technology solutions. (VI)

9.         Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (VI, VIII)

10.       Identify terminology and the uses of technology in business and society, including limitations. (VI)

11.       Identify positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology and the consequences of misuse. (VII)

12.       Describe how technology is used in the departments of a business and in various career paths. (VIII)

13.       Use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software. (IX)


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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


CIS105  2011 Spring – 2011 Summer II

Survey of Computer Information Systems


I.          Hardware

            A.        Processing Unit

            B.        Storage Devices

            C.        Input Devices

            D.        Output Devices

            E.         Expansion Slots and Cards

II.        Software

            A.        System Software

                        1.         Operating System

                        2.         Utilities

                        3.         Device Drivers

            B.        Application Software

                        1.         Word Processing

                        2.         Spreadsheets

                        3.         Databases

                        4.         Presentation Software

            C.        Specialized Application Software

            D.        Web Authoring Application Software

III.       Networks

            A.        Types of Networks

                        1.         Local Area Network (LAN)

                        2.         Wide Area Network (WAN)

            B.        Uses of Networks

                        1.         Sharing Resources

                        2.         Communication

            C.        Security and Data Integrity

IV.       Internet

            A.        History

            B.        World Wide Web Structure

            C.        Browsers

            D.        Search Engines

            E.         E-mail

            F.         e-Commerce

            G.        Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

            H.        Security

            I.          Intranet

            J.          Websites

V.        Visual Basic Application (VBA)

            A.        Visual Basic Editor

                        1.         Procedures

                        2.         Variables

            B.        Macros

                        1.         Excel

                        2.         Access

VI.       Planning and Implementing Technology Solutions

            A.        Information Systems Role in Business

            B.        Purchasing and Upgrading Microcomputers

VII.     Social and Ethical Issues

            A.        Ethics

            B.        Viruses

            C.        Security

            D.        Ergonomics

            E.         Intellectual Property Rights

            F.         Privacy

            G.        Green Computing

VIII.    Uses of Technology

            A.        Business

            B.        Career Paths

IX.       Business Application Tools

            A.        Word

                        1.         Editing and formatting

                        2.         Creating and modifying

                                    a.         Styles

                                    b.         Table of Contents

                                    c.         Index

            B.        PowerPoint

                        1.         Create and modify

                                    a.         Slideshows

                                    b.         Templates

                                    c.         Outlines

            C.        Excel

                        1.         Create, edit, and format spreadsheets

                        2.         Create and modify formulas

                        3.         Use Excel functions

                        4.         Create and modify charts

                        5.         Table Management

                                    a.         Sort

                                    b.         Filter

                                    c.         Import data

                                    d.         Database functions

                                    e.         Create, refresh, and delete

                                                (1).       Pivot tables

                                                (2).       Pivot charts

            D.        Access

                        1.         File management

                                    a.         Design data

                                    b.         Create tables

                        2.         Manage data

                                    a.         Filter

                                    b.         Sort

                                    c.         Query

                                    d.         Report

                                    e.         Pivot table

                                                (1).       View

                                                (2).       Chart

                                    f.          Structured Query Language (SQL)


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