Maricopa Community Colleges  BIO182   20066-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-24-2005

BIO182  2006 Fall – 2011 Summer II

LEC   4.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

LAB  0.0 Credit(s)   3.0 Period(s)  2.4 Load

General Biology (Majors) II

The study and principles of structure and function of living things at cellular, organismic, and higher levels of organization. A detailed exploration of the mechanisms of evolution, biological diversity, biology of organisms, and ecology.

Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in BIO181.


Course Note: Field trips may be required.


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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:



BIO182  2006 Fall – 2011 Summer II

General Biology (Majors) II



Explain and apply the scientific method to solve problems in biological context. (I)


Explain and compare characteristics common to living organisms and levels of organization. (I)


Identify and describe the basic principles of evolution. (I, II)


Analyze the relationships between the genetics of populations and evolution. (II)


Analyze the processes of speciation. (II)


Describe how the hierarchical classification scheme is used to categorize organisms. (III)


Describe how DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) research has modernized bio-systematics. (III)


Compare and contrast the general characteristics of each of the living domains and kingdoms. (III, V)


Relate the structure of organisms to the way they function. (IV, V)


Explain how the life-histories of organisms are adapted for different environments. (IV, V)


Relate the complexity of behavior to the overall complexity of an organism. (IV, V)


Describe the ecological roles played by organisms in each kingdom. (V, VI)


Compare basic ecological principles at the population and community levels of organization. (VI)


Describe and compare energy relationships and the cycling of materials in ecosystems. (VI)


Demonstrate knowledge of laboratory safety skills and procedures. (I-VII)


Practice principles of scientific method while conducting laboratory activities and experiments. (I-VII)


Perform laboratory activities using relevant laboratory equipment, chemical reagents, and supplies to observe biological specimens, to measure variables, and to design and conduct experiments. (I-VII)


Operate light microscopes, prepare wet-mount slides, and use stains. (IV-VII)


Exhibit ability to use pipettes and other volumetric measuring devices, chemical glassware, balances, pH meters or test papers, spectrophotometers and separation techniques such as chromatography and/or electrophoresis to perform activities relevant to other course competencies. (I-VII)


Develop graphing skills by hand and/or using appropriate computer software. (I-VII)


Analyze and report data generated during laboratory activities and experiments. (I-VII)



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MCCCD Official Course Outline:



BIO182  2006 Fall – 2011 Summer II

General Biology (Majors) II


I. Fundamentals of Biological Science

A. Common characteristics of living organisms

B. Levels of organization

C. Evolution of life

D. Scientific method

II. Evolution

A. Definition and principles

B. Natural selection

C. Population genetics

D. Microevolution

E. Speciation

F. Macroevolution

III. Classification

A. Binomial nomenclature

B. Taxonomy

C. Modern systematics

IV. Domains

A. Types

1. Bacteria

2. Archaea

3. Eukarya

B. Biodiversity and evolution

C. Structure and function

D. Life-histories

E. Behavior

F. Ecology

V. Kingdoms

A. Types

1. Monera

2. Protista

3. Fungi

4. Plantae

5. Animalia

B. Biodiversity and evolution

C. Structure and function

D. Life-histories

E. Behavior

F. Ecology

VI. Ecological Principles

A. Population

B. Community

C. Ecosystem

D. Human impact

VII. Laboratory Activities/Experiments

A. Procedures/scientific method

B. Safety

C. Equipment, reagents, and supplies

1. Light microscopes

2. Wet-mount slides

3. Volumetric measuring devices

4. Glassware

5. pH meters/test papers

6. Stains

7. Spectrophotometers

8. Separation techniques

9. Other

D. Graphing

1. Manually

2. Computerized

E. Data generation

1. Analysis

2. Reporting


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