Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS120DC   20022-20042 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 11/27/01
CIS120DC 20022-20042 L+L 3 Credit(s) 4 Period(s)
Computer Graphics: Macromedia Flash
Provides students with the ability to use Macromedia Flash 5.0 graphics software on microcomputers. Covers basic animation techniques used in the creation, manipulation, and editing of Flash animation graphics. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
CIS120DC   20022-20042 Computer Graphics: Macromedia Flash
1. Identify Flash 5.0 tools. (I)
2. Use vector graphics to create simple Flash animations. (II)
3. Save new graphics in the Flash Library. (III)
4. Use layers and timelines to create Flash animation. (IV)
5. Create motion and shape tweens. (V)
6. Add sound to Flash animation movies. (VI)
7. Utilize Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents to embed Flash movies for delivery to the World Wide Web. (VII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
CIS120DC   20022-20042 Computer Graphics: Macromedia Flash
    I. Flash Tools
        A. Drawing and Painting
        B. Object Manipulation
        C. Editing
      II. Vector Graphics
          A. Creation
          B. Modification
          C. Vector vs. Rastor Graphics
        III. Graphic Storage
            A. Library Location
            B. Saving Graphics
            C. Reusing Graphics
          IV. Layers and Timelines
              A. Multiple Layers
              B. Mask Layers
              C. Layer Control
              D. Timelines
            V. Motion and Shape Tweens
                A. Shape Tweening
                B. Motion Tween
                C. Shape Tweened
                D. Multiple Motion Tweens
              VI. Sound
                  A. Types
                  B. Importation
                  C. Organization
                  D. Adjustment
                VII. Publishing
                    A. Settings
                    B. Previews
                    C. Procedures
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